(Nothing to do with-- that particular action--; I was just curious.)
Grand Duke wrote:Can anyone give me some North American versions of 'wanker' I can search for?
The more we talk about it, the higher the numbers go!
Is this an expression used in the US or UK? You can also use 'f@ckwitted', as a past tense verb.
I recall a friend/supervisor of mine managing to use the word THREE times in a SINGLE sentence. Magnificant effort, very impressive......
It's a noun in the U.S., but I've never heard it used as a verb here.
I've been noticing lately how liberal the New Yorker magazine is re the words it lets into its text. Just this morning I was noticing quite a few f words in the long ... article by Bill Buford, "In the Kitchen". (September 6 issue, should anyone be interested - it's a very entertaining piece.. about pasta making.)
Stillwater -- I first ran across the term "f*ckwit" in the book "Bridget Jones' Diary" which was set in England, so perhaps it is British in origin? I dearly loved that word. Fits so many characters I've known. The verb form was also used in the book...could this be where it started?
Osso...I've had my share of bad pasta-making experiences, but none of them were bad enough to inspire such profanity. I mean, it's just water and flour! I like to save such words for when they're truly warranted. <smirk>
A wonderful food issue Osso. I read the pasta article and got my Ronco pasta maker out of the attic.
Yes, I'm saving the issue, it's fantastic.
I have a bunch of ingredients here, including some marinating steaks, and I'm just wondering what to fuc@wit.
What about in other languages?
Vorrei leccare la tua fica dolce.
I'm not sure if that is grammatically correct, but it is absolutely filthy, trust me.
What's so dirty about:"I want to lick your sweet face?"
I think he meant lips....maybe he needs more Italian lessons.
Thanks Panzade. Good cover. Yeah, yeah, fica is the italian word for face...yeah...yeah, that's the ticket.
Tarnation! This really has been worthwhile. Opps!
The ol' obscenity meter has been in the red-zone lately. Wonderful effort folks!
As an aside there is a good book I read by Desmond Morris(?) on body-language, all the gestures and motions that humans use. The Anglo world is rather limited in this regard. There are AMAZINGLY filthy gestures available in other cultures, they are the sort of things that cause vendettas and the like, but it's a real eye-opener.
Personally, I like the 'barbe/beard'. It's flicking your beard or pretending to at the speaker. The meaning is that you are either like growing a beard listening to them or that you are too old/senior to put up with their inanities.
Good one! Remember that gesture in Italy. How bout the one-fist-in-the-crook-of-the-right-arm gesture?
I use that all the time now!! I also use the 'teeth-flick/louse' thing - you sort of bite your thumbnail and then snap it a foreward motion. It is supposed to be like the sound of crushing a louse.
Great stuff!! We could all do with freeing up our movements this way......
Would those be political, artistic, or bowel movements? I sure hope it's the latter. I could do with a good movement right now.
Happy to oblige.....

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