I have taken it upon myself, for no reason whatsoever, to count (or more accurately, Search for) the number of swear-words of varying strengths appearing in A2K posts. Here is that "List of Sin", in descending order of frequency.
Ass - 2,845
C**p - 2,703
S**t - 1,651
Arse - 306
F*** - 295
Bugger - 238
P***y - 190
C**k - 148
C**t - 11
T**t - 8
This gives a Swear Count Total of 8,491 words. Out of a total (current) number of posts of 837,349, this is an average of 1 swear word every 98 posts.
I suppose the point I might be trying to make here is how much I like the fact that we can discuss any topic under the sun without resorting to swearing.