Once again:
blacksmithn wrote:Some thoughts:
1) Yeah, great. Will the body bags salute him post-invasion?
2) Re the change in salutes from Clinton to Shrub-- Wonderful story. Too bad it's made up. See
http://www.snopes.com/ for the truth about this nonsense.
3) The Birdwell part's true, but the rest of your post is just so much pro-Shrub, anti-Clinton crap. You might want to try screening your tales a bit before posting, lest someone accuse you of propagandizing. Oops! Too late!
Was all that necessary? Couldn't you have politely pointed out to Misti that this isn't a true story and given her the link? I know Misti can speak for herself, but your response was unnecessarily rude.
Craven, I didn't say a person should
unconditionally support whoever is President. The President has a tough job and the people who constantly bash him just because he doesn't belong to their political party or for any other narrow-minded reason make it harder for him to lead effectively, and for the whole world to look at this country with respect. Those who are always digging into his past (and I'm talking about any President here) to see if they can find out if he ever had a drink or smoked a joint or was unfaithful to his wife, etc., etc., are wasting their time, unless the past actions are things that could compromise the safety and security of our country.
If we disagree with the President, we should say so, and then try to find a constructive way to help make this country a better place so that we can continue to enjoy the freedoms we are blessed with.