Sun 22 Aug, 2004 04:58 am
IMHO most of the famous philosophies are mostly useless, so I wrote my own. In my opinion the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has the most believable and useful philosophy some of which is my philosophy. We should try hard not to speak lies, half truths and false inferences. We should help others obtain long term success and happiness.
I learned a lot of stuff in school and college that is not quite true, but it is useful for a starting point, and a foundation to consider more complex ideas. We should apply reasonable doubt about everything, and use that which seems approximately correct as a working hypothesis, until we find ways to make improvements.
Scientific realist is good. Science has made a few errors. The scientific method rejects a lot of useful ideas because repeat testing gives inconsistent results. As a general rule that which is accepted by main stream scientist is more correct than any other method of obtaining truth with the possible exception of personal revelation from God or the Holy Ghost. How can we be sure the devil is not impersonating God?
We are wise to limit our consumption of processed food, eat a small amount of meat, fish and beverages other than water. Fruit and vegetable juices are good. Most of us can safely drink a half glass of water every half hour whenever this is convenient. Raw fruits and vegetables and whole grains are good. Moderation is usually wise. Avoid extremes. Try to think optimistic and useful thoughts. Be forgiving of others. Partake lightly of worldly things such as TV, movies, violence, and viewing sexual perversions. Some these will be addictive for you, so be careful what you immerse yourself in.
politicians are mostly corrupt. I will be voting for Michael Badnarik, and other minor party candidates where possible. In my opinion both Republicans and Democrats are traitors with rare exceptions.
A few of us could choose to live like cave men, but our planet can not support even one billion hunters and gatherers. There appears to be no viable option other than trying to make capitalism less destructive. There has been zero demonstrations that communism and socialism are anything other than destructive. If you want to try something like that again, please call it something else and find a way to motivate bright humans to create jobs and new technology without the horrible side effects of every experiment in Communism, so far.
Please embellish, refute and/or comment Neil
even moderation can become obsessive.
In my dealings with mormons, Ive found most of those Ive dealt with to be rather intolerant sOBs