Thu 7 Apr, 2016 07:27 am
I follow my Congressman's FB page. Recently, I can't see the comments anyone makes to his posts. If I make a comment, I can see it, but no one else's. This has been going on about two months, and his is the only page I have this issue with.
It's not an issue. It depends on the privacy settings of the posters and even the people who run the congressman's page. Plus, comments are likely to be moderated (and removed if they don't hit a certain sensibility to the admin's taste).
So if they get comments they don't like from me (which he had), he's blocked me? I don't agree with him on much of anything, but I was never profane or anything like that. They just can't handle anyone penetrating their bubble.
If you've been blocked, you won't be able to see the page when you're logged in.
Are u doing this on your phone or computer? I notice my phone screen wont print all comments