Sun 15 Aug, 2004 12:28 pm
When I was a child, I thought the Lord's Prayer began 'Our Father, Harriet be thy name'. I also thought misled (pronounced mis-led) was a completely different word from misled (pronounced mizzled). Have any of you any funny, nice or still used verbal mistakes from childhood?
There aren't many that I can think of; I used to think that 'pray for us sinners now' was 'pay for our sinners, now,' which is rather evocative of the English Church.
Misled is pronounced mizzled?
Thinking about something in another thread brought this to mind: when I was younger, I often thought that the 'watershed' was something that could notice children awake after nine p.m. and wash them away to their deaths.
I used to think that Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the wall had the line "the dark saw has them in the classroom." The proper words are "no dark sarcasm in the classroom."
I was once introduced to a woman named Regina. I thought they said Vagina!! I called her that too!!
Thinking of you, Msolga. and hoping that you're OK.
Thank you, Drom. You're nice!
And here's hoping you're OK, too!
(O, I thought that this was the Neverending Discussion thread! Sorry about that!)
No problem! Just a childish mistake-wink
Dang, panzade beat me to it.
When I was really young, I was interviewed with a bunch of other kids about the nature of god. When asked what god did, I said "He flies around the world picking up gold." I'm not sure if that was a mistake, or if I wasn't just channeling my future smart-ass opinions about religion.
As a migrant to Oz as a very young child, I had a few "confusions" with the language, earlier on .... Like saying I needed to stretch my feet after travelling in a car for some time.
I, like Clary, had a problem with the Lord's prayer. I thought it was ...'hell' would be thy name, and I didn't want to say it!
I rember this
Our Father how is ART in Heaven, HOWARD is thy name.
Holy Mary full of GRAPES, ....