>What's happening in your country....see article.
Hello, guys. Unfortunately I can't post my messages more regularly now.
Now about the topic. At first of course it's in no way a threat to Putin. In the first sight it looks like an attempt to defend Putin (the same as it was after Nord-Ost when Luzhkov was found as the main guilty person instead Putin) putting the personsibility for the economical collapse (really all the economy is collapsing more and more every month despite the high oil prices and a new wave of American credits). Some experts believe that so called "opposition" factions of Duma - Commies and Yabloko - would like to attract more their voters by their crticism to government but since Putin is an untouchable idol they are to blame Kasyanov instead. Then Putin can also demonstrate the developments of "Russian democracy". Now the West won't say that Russia has pro-government parliament

and possibly will give more money to enforce the "process of democratization".
But the key reason lays a little deeper - now Dear Comrade Putin heeds a new "threat" for his coming re-election in 2004. As you know every good totalitarian regime will consolidate people at itself with the image of some bloody dangerous threat. In 1993 Yeltsin chose for this role the "threat of a fascist coup", in 1996 it was the Communists, in 2000 - "Chechen terrorists". Now Putin can't maintain his propaganda on the "Chechen terrorism" more because according to Putin himself this "terrorism" has already been completely defeated and destroyed (and not once

). The Commies have so spoilt for last years that now they even can't frighten anyone. The last possible "enemy" is "oligarchies" - some awful fat Jewishes who dream to robber poor Russia and destroy our Saint Vladimir who is going to stop their crimes. Don't be surprised about it's primitivity. The "oligarchies" are a specific bugaboo for the "crowd". And as Doctor Hebbels said the most effective propaganda is the most primitive one - and our KGBists perfectly know this ABC of his theory.
>In Russia, a 'creeping coup'?
>In a no-confidence vote Wednesday, some see a coming showdown between the Kremlin and the oligarchs.
>By Fred Weir | Special to The Christian Science Monitor
Now two warm words about the article. Here you can see a typical example of the material arranged of the FSB (zakazukha in Russian). They have some friendly foreign journalists who will publish every crap they are asked (the mentioned CNS is an FSBist firm - it is pretty well known for everyone). Then this bullsh*t appears in Russia with prefaces like: "according to the respectful American paper Christian Science Monitor.... ".
As about Mr. Weir, either he absolutely uniformed about the Russian reality or (more probably) he has never read his article himself. For example he insists that Putin expressed his dissatisfaction of the low economical growth in Russia in his message to the Federal Council. That's BS. All the Putin's message had quite an opposite subject. Putin was speaking about absolutely enormous, unprecedent, giant economical successes in Russia. According to him Russia had overrun the crisis of 1998 and allegedly Russian people had got income not only more than in 1998 or in 1991 but the highest one of the all Russian history

. You can call this delirium anyhow but only not an "dissatisfaction". Then Mr. Weir says that Putin had set a new "ambitious" task - to increase the total income two times in 10 years. It may sound ambitiously only for some not well informed one. Putin said in the same speech that we had god a "1.4 times economical growth" for the last year and the same "1.4 times growth" happened a year ago. Sorrowfully Mr. Weir has no even secondary education and can't count how much it is, so I may assure him that 1.4 * 1.4=1.96 - in other words almost two time growth for two last years! Who can say afterward that 2 time growth for 10 years is an ambitious program? Seemly Comrade Putin hadn't read his speech before speaking it out, but the same can be said about everyone who has seen something "ambitious" there. Of course really this Comrade Putin's speech is nothing but crazy crap, delirium and BS absolutely unlinked with reality as well as any other speech of our Communist and Neo-Communist leaders but since Mr. Weir would like to base on it why wouldn't he have read it before?
And the last point. Anyway even if the "oligarchies" had decided to fight Putin, they have chose the worst way. It's widely known that Duma has ABSOLUTELY NO POWER, NO INFLUENCE, NO AUTHORITY. Kasyanov perfectly demonstrated all his disdain to this club of helpless political comedians, he even didn't appear at the Duma's session as well as expressed no reactions on their initiatives. That can be said about every less or more significant official - they consider it unworthy for them to react on any Duma's message. Since 1993 none of them was ever worried to react on any Duma's invitation, request, demand, accusation etc. So the idea that "Duma is threating to remove Kasyanov's government" is really ridiculous. And even more ridiculous idea is that Duma can carry any threat to Putin - if even Kasyanov pays no attention to these clowns what hell Putin should be worried of them
