Thank you, glitterbag. I
will keep you in mind as a resource!
I do have to say that nothing Mo has ever said, and nothing the school has said indicate that this boy is violent. He has called Mo some pretty vulgar names and he is constantly up in Mo's business but he has never been violent.
It's really more about constant annoyance. Nothing Mo does goes by without a comment. Nothing Mo's working on doesn't get questioned. He tattles on Mo for everything -- stupid things -- "Teacher! Teacher! Mo sharpened his pencil!", "Teacher! Mo went to the restroom!" Maybe "bully" is too strong a word for it but it is so persistent that it feels like bullying to Mo... and to me.
I have had more emails, phone calls and meetings with the school in the last month than I have in the last 3.5 years. All of them are related to this kid.
I can tell the teachers and staff are frustrated with him (other kid) too. There are several/many autistic kids at the school (it's an epidemic in that age group I guess) so I'm assuming that saw his application and never assumed what was in store.
It's a public school. There is no tuition. But you do have to apply and be interviewed to attend.