Wed 11 Aug, 2004 07:14 pm
So there's this cat. It thinks it is our cat. But my roommate Hyoun and I are both severely allergic to cats, so we can't adopt it. We're both allergic to the point of real illness, not just discomfort.
The cat is hungry. We know that if we feed it it will become our cat and we will be responsible for it, and we are just not able to take that responsibility. We'd both be sick constantly.
The cat has been hanging out around our apartment for months. It used to look like someone fed it sometimes, and we thought it must have a family of its own and it just wanted us as a sort of an extra family, just in case. Lately it's been getting thinner and more ragged looking, so we are starting to suspect that whoever was feeding it before has moved away. It is getting hungrier and sadder, and it tries to come inside more and more often.
This cat is sweet and social and gentle. It clearly likes people, and had a family of its own once.
I really want someone to come adopt this cat. None of us wants to have to send it to the pound, where it will most likely be put down. Does anyone know anyone in the Boston area who wants (or simply would be willing to accept) an adorable, sweet, friendly, homeless cat?
aaaawwwww..... I'd suggest calling the mspca and asking what their policy is on taking in cats. If there is room and the cat is 'adoptable' (socially and physically well), they will keep it and not put it down - I think. But CALL before sending the cat there.
I wish I could take it, but I have a hell of a time keeping up with my two critters as it is. I'll keep my ears open.
I was thinking about calling the MSPCA, but I worried about the possibility of it being put down before it had the chance to be adopted... I'll definitely call and find out their policy.
When I first realized that the cat's real family must have moved away, I immediately thought of you and of quinn1. I didn't call you because I know what a huge commitment the animals you already have are. I wonder if quinn can be guilted - I mean convinced - into helping the poor kitty...
Quinn has her hands full too. I'll ask my sister if she knows anyone.....
Hi, littlek. Doesn't your sister have a bunny? What ever happened to the bunny?
Sorry I can't help, marycat. I couldn't stand not feeding an animal that showed up at my door.
Say, I could probably use a cat.
Sounds delicious.
SQuinney - We had that little bunny for less than one week. It was such a P in the A, that we finally convinced my sister to get it gone. That's how I found out about the MSPCA policy on pets brought there. We never named it (well, my neice called him Little White), so the guy who checked the bunny in called him Taz. We followed up and found that he was adopted within 2 weeks. I believe that the adoption process is not frivolous. They will make you understand what it takes to care for what ever animal you're adopting.
I called the MSPCA. They don't have a time limit for euthanizing cats; it is all dependent upon temperament, space, adoptability, how it responds to being at the center, and so forth. There is currently a lot of space there, so that won't be the limiting factor for this cat. It is a sweet, social, cute, seemingly healthy cat, so it should be pretty adoptable. It likes being handled. It makes Karen pet it all the time.
The only thing that worries me about the transition is how it will respond to captivity. It is used to being outside in the grass, so a cage will be an adjustment. Though, of course, we think it was probably an indoor cat before, since it tries to come inside all the time.
I guess we'll give it another week or two, and if we can't find a good home, then we'll take it down to Angell.