I keep focussing on those pix of Eric that you put in the gallery - I sure know I want things to get better for Eric. This is a very tough row to hoe for him and the people who love him.
great news BP
fyi I have about 80 people praying for Eric and his family
I'm an atheist, but I believe human emotion has a force beyond our physical bodies. Every positive thought or prayer helps. I even spoke with a man who considers himself a prophet of Jesus or something, told him about Eric so he could pray for him.
I agree, Edgar. Whether it's called prayers or something else (I never know what to call it -- "thoughts" seems too wishy-washy) I believe it has some kind of effect.
- May God hold Erics hands and guide his feet -
I'm reading this thread for the first time.
- But with God all things are possible -
Stopping by with my daily prayer and am lighting 3 candles for Eric this morning.
I have seen enough to know that prayers can make a difference. I don't know how it works, but I know it does.
I just received beautiful card and postcard in the mail for Eric from piffka......also she enclosed a postcard for we Bears......Piffka, after seeing that card, should I ever find myself in a bar in your part of the world I'll make sure to tell the girls I'm hung like a clam :wink:

We grow 'em big around here... uhhh, clams, too.
Hope that Eric's healing continues.
Just woke up and am already filled with prayers for Eric. I haven't been out to get a card yet, but I will first thing Mon and I'll send it right along.
I got a pile of people at work to sign the card - told them to expect me to come around with another one in a while. It was actually quite cool - please sign a get well card for someone you don't know - well, actually I don't really know him - but he's a friend of a friend and I want to send him a card - Oh, ok, cool, I'll sign. It should have left in the morning mail/courier.
Here's one to inspire Eric. Tell him he needs to get back to work. Somewhere in Alabama, in the wake of hurricane Ivan, there's a scared young woman without any power.
That woman has ALOT of power. But not to bright, is she going to shoot the hurricane? hehe
Prayer for Eric.
Be still upon the Lord and wait patiently for him.
actually Eric works for Time Warner Cable, but I'm sure if he were up and around he would be happy to service this young lady, as I would.
Sorry for the mistake bro, prayers sent.
i read that as sacred young woman
my oh my
those nuns are dressing differently now
Coming in with daily prayers. Lighting candle.
thanks montana...no news today...that's good news.....everyone needs a breather.......
yup, no news is good news :-D