Hi There everyone,
Its hard to classify me as anything. I was raised Catholic but I never go to church unless I am attending a wedding or funeral. I would not say that I am an Atheist but I do not follow any particular organized religion. Some may even say that I am Agnostic but I really hate being labled just so I can grouped into a catagory.
Eight months ago my father passed away, this led me to start re-evaluating myself and my beliefs. Before my father's death I would pray every now and again, and by praying I mean asking god to bless those I love and care about. Since my father's death I haven't prayed once; I don't feel a need to pray. I suppose I was under the naive assumption that prayer would keep those around me safe and out of harms way. I was wrong. My father's death opened my eyes to the fact that this life is very short and at any given time can change drastically.
I have always been a fairly relaxed and happy person, anyone will tell you this. Now I am EVEN more happy and relaxed. When my father died, it was very upsetting to me, the worst day in my life in fact. I do realize however that the worst is probably yet to come. I am in fact only 23 and I know that I will lose more people in my lifetime. So I know that I must live in the NOW and appreciate every single thing that I have. However, I do still miss my father very much, I do not deny this, but he has made my life so much better just by being apart of it and I realize this.
I live by very few simple rules in my life.
Good Karma is my #1 rule. I always make sure I put out the positive because I ALWAYS get it back, I have proved this to myself time and time again. Any book will tell you this. I have been living by this rule for a few years now, even before I knew what Karma was.
I never fret about the little things. There are much worse things that can happen, I know this. Plus, there is usually always a solution to everything.
I don't usually complain about anything. No one wants to hear me complain; people who constantly complain about things are really annoying. I would never complain about something I could fix myself, I just fix it. I don't complain about something that can't be fixed, like the weather for instance, what good does complaining do? If I complain about anything at all, it is usually about something that someone else can fix.
I only live day to day, I never think too far down the road because it is impossible to predict what tomorrow will bring you. When tomorrow comes I am thankful for what is, in fact, 'today'.
Love is another important aspect of my life. I have plenty of people that I love and who in return love me as well. Imagine a world without love, I can't even imagine such a thing. Love is what it is all about.
Self love is also very important. Those who do not love themselves are not capable of fully loving someone else. I have read this statement in many books and have seen living proof of it over and over again. These people also remain depressed a lot of the time and are very critical of themselves and their appearance. Believe in yourself first!
I believe there is a God. If I didn't believe in any higher power, I would question why I am here. If there wasn't a reason for me to be here, there wouldn't be a reason for me to live. I don't expect anyone to live by this idea, this is only the way I interpret my life. I don't judge other religions. I don't participate in an organized religion because I was capable enough on my own to find a way to live in harmony. Other people need an organized way to believe in something. There are a lot of people who look badly upon religion, but when you think about it, religion isn't supposed to be a bad thing. It is essentially good with good rules and ideas.
I'm not here to judge anyone. I just live my life the best way I possibly can.
I am not here to force my views and ideas on anyone else. I just thought I would share my understanding of this life. Whatever makes you happy, whether it is believing in something completely made up in your own mind or nothing at all, if it makes you happy then that is all that counts!