Mon 9 Aug, 2004 08:41 pm
What differences and similarities are there between Islam and Christianity? See thread 1 for a little more detail.
Islam states that if you follow a very complex set of rules that govern every second of your life, you will earn your way to Heaven.
Christianity states there is nothing you can do to deserve or earn going to Heaven. Your belief in Christ as Lord and Savior is all that is necessary.
I could write pages and pages to expand on this, but this is it in a nutshell. In Christian Theology, it is the difference between "being saved by works or being saved by grace".
Two radically different religions.
They are antagonistic in terms of philosophy; culture; laws; practices; beliefs and almost everything else.
One minor example is that Christianity has had to struggle with the concept of the Church versus the State since its inception.
At various times throughout Christian history, either the Church or the State was dominant.
The struggle continues through today.
In Islam the Mosque and State are (ought to be) One. The State is not an Islamic concept as such. Muslims are not identified by nationality, but by religious beliefs and family trees.
There are only two "States" in Islam - The House of Islam and The House of War, which is the rest of the world.