I am not surprised. What matters most is not the number of tools in your toolbox but the ability to use them
It's not the size of your tool that matters, but the knowing how to use it does:D
I suspect that once intelligence began to be selected for a lot of our genome that is concerned with what we call instinct in animals became superflous and eventually disappeared.
A fawn or a calf is born, and has the physical equipment for it, knowing how to walk, recognize its Mom, swat flies and a host of other instinctual actions that in humans has to be learned.
A baby is born knowing how to suck, breathe, and keep its heart going. The rest is simply manifestations of intelligence.
Genetically speaking it's a bit more efficient to learn something than to go through all the bother of encoding it in a genome.
(How many generations would we have to go through to be born knowing the rules of football or how to light a fire) :wink: