Olivier5 wrote:
Juste un autre débile... C'est à se demander où ils les trouvent. Y'a une usine à cons quelque part au Texas?
Yo homie, sadly its true, I never had a dawg that liked me some, but I have to inform you that I have considered passing your secret coded message to the National Security Agency (NSA) in the hope that its hieroglyphs may some day be deciphered and appropriate action taken.
Should it contain racist or homophobic attacks, I can assure you that any reference to my big black ass is entirely misplaced as he is actually a mule and I'ma well known down at the Cattlemen's Ass'n and indeed The National Rifle Association (NRA) for my tolerance towards those who call fries 'chips' and liberals. Heck, I almost spoke to a Democrat recently, but Hillary was too busy having her nails done to take my call.
I am considered an expert on European history and the Gauls in particular as I am an avid reader of Asterix. I also like to keep up to date with recent events by following the adventures of Tintin.
Therefore unless you wish for a repeat of Panzers rumbling down The Avenue des Champs-Élysées you should apologise on behalf of La Troisième République for the shocking treatment suffered by Bart Simpson!
Interesting that you should mention both measurement and body parts, as it was Napoléon Bonaparte who not content with killing more Frenchmen than the enemy also introduced Decimal time Le jour, de minuit à minuit, est divisé en dix parties, chaque partie en dix autres, ainsi de suite jusqu’à la plus petite portion commensurable de la durée.
Which divided the day into 10 decimal hours, each decimal hour into 100 decimal minutes and each decimal minute into 100 decimal seconds. How did that all work out for ya?