Not sure what you mean by that. It's really the rabid nationalism bug that's killing them. The disease is nothing new, and not particularly slavic: the rize of fascism is historically linked to ultra-nationalism. That's precisely this sort of narrow minded tribal thinking that the EU is meant to defeat or defuse. So anti-EU folks naturally lean towards fascism.
The interesting idea for me is that, in our brave new 21st century, toxic social media may pave the path from democracy to fascism, by pushing decent, agreeable folks away from political debate and action, and allowing the most rabid opinions and folks to dominate. The quality of our public debate partly determines the quality of our democracies.
From that perspective, a never-ending Brexit debate is a liability for the UK democratic spirit. The sooner Brexit gets done (what
type of Brexit is largely irrelevant here), the better it will be for democracy in the UK.
If they keep procrastinating for another year or two, some folk will end up using violent means to get it done. I mean shooting MPs to death.