(Oh - here is the shop link, for anyone who wishes to browse -
http://www.abbeys.com.au/ )
Here are accounts of some of the best-sellers:
Briefest English Grammar Ever Produced: For English Speakers Who Didnt Learn Grammar at School
Format : Spiral Bound
Staff Review
This curious volume had been handwritten in three colours with calligraphic pens and then, I presume, scanned for printing. It is the most concise, clearly presented and straightforward grammar guide I have ever seen. The author claims it was designed for English speakers who didn't learn grammar at school (or maybe people like me who did, but can't remember the tricky bits). Her definitions really make sense, such as: ?Pronouns?These are the words we use when we want to refer to people or things without continually repeating their names.? Selling like hotcakes, this is the book you need handy when reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves. Ann
Mission Impossible: The Sheiks the US and the Future of Iraq (QEssay #14)
Can Iraq be democratised? After spending months in Iraq, Australian foreign correspondent Paul McGeough is not sure. In June this year, the Bush administration wants, or at least wants to appear, to hand back control of the country to the Iraqis. Despite continued uncertainty and conflict, the White House maintains its public optimism about the future of the country, its invasion of which was based on lies. What is the basis for this optimism? Iraq's anti-democratic tradition and history provides a major hurdle; so does the power struggle among Bush's hand-picked team of exiles flown in after the war; and, perhaps most of all, so does the uncertain outcome of the push for power by the country's majority Shiite population. McGeough examines what sort of country Shiite-controlled Iraq might be and contrasts this vision with that of the US.
Staff Review
This curious volume had been handwritten in three
Axis of Deceit
In March 2003, Andrew Wilkie resigned from Australia's senior intelligence agency, ONA, in protest over the looming Iraq war. He was the only serving Intelligence Officer from the Coalition of the Willing - the US, UK and Australia - to do so. The dramatic move was reported throughout the world.
From his public stand against Australia's involvement in the war in Iraq, to contesting John Howard's own seat in the 2004 federal election, Andrew Wilkie has quickly become a household name. But who is Andrew Wilkie, and why is he willing to risk his career, his reputation and his own personal safety to tell Australia the truth?
In Axis of Deceit, Wilkie looks at how the case for war was made in Washington, London and Canberra. With unique insight, he explains how the three governments routinely skewed, spun and fabricated the relevant intelligence.
Axis of Deceit is also the story of a whistleblower: how an act of conscience put an intelligence officer on a collision course with his country's government. Wilkie also offers some of the most up-to-date insights available into the world of international intelligence and life as a spook.
Author information:
Andrew Wilkie served in the Australian Defence Force from 1980 until 2000, achieving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. During 1999? he was seconded from the ADF to Australia's senior intelligence agency, the Office of National Assessments, as a Senior Strategic Analyst. Wilkie worked on a range of issues including Kosovo, terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction and border protection. He returned to ONA shortly after the September 11 terrorist attacks as the Senior Trans-National Issues Analyst.
In recent months, Wilkie has undertaken countless speaking engagements in the US, UK and Australia. He was also called upon to give evidence at the official UK and Australian inquiries into the case for war. Wilkie has recently been announced as the Greens' candidate in the upcoming federal election for Prime Minister John Howard's seat of Bennelong.
Not Happy John
Not happy, John, with the way:
you snuck us into the Iraq war without ever really telling us why
you trample on our democratic right to know
you'd like to give the Media Moguls control of ALL our news
a Big Donation lets Big Business share a barbecue with you and George W.
you let President Bush ambush OUR Parliament - and then let President Hu roll us all over again, the next day
you use 'glo balisation' to avoid accountability
you treat us as passive consumers - not as CITIZENS and people of goodwill.
Margo Kingston, one of Australia's most fearless political journalists, thinks it's crunch time for Australia. Not Happy, John! is a gutsy, anecdotal book with a deadly serious purpose: to lay bare the insidious ways in which John Howard's government has profoundly undermined our freedoms and our rights.
The Spartans: An Epic History
Paul Cartledge argues that the Spartans are our ancestors, every bit as much as the Athenians. But while Athens promoted democracy, individualism, culture and society, their great rivals Sparta embodied militarism, totalitarianism, segregation and brutal repression. As ruthless as they were self-sacrificing, their sucessful war rituals made the Spartans the ultimate fighting force. The battle of Thermopylae epitomises all that is Sparta. While slave masters to the Helots for over three centuries, Spartan women enjoyed an unparalleled freedom indulging in education, dance and sport. From this environment was born Helen of Troy.Interspersed with the personal biographies of leading figures, "The Spartans" tracks the people from 480 to 360BC charting Sparta's progression from the great power of the Aegean Greek world to its ultimate demise.
Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire
(This seems to be a new edition of Colossus: The Price of the American Empire, as sold in the US)
Is America the new world Empire? The US government emphatically denies it. Despite the conquest of two sovereign states in as many years, despite the presence of more than 750 military installations across two-thirds of the globe and despite his stated intention 'to extend the benefits of freedom . . . To every corner of the world', George W. Bush maintains that 'America has never been an empire'. 'We don't seek empires,' insists Defense Secretary Rumsfeld. 'We're not imperialistic.'
In Colossus Niall Ferguson reveals the truth, arguing that in both military and economic terms America is nothing less than the most powerful empire the world has ever seen. Just like the British Empire a century ago, the United States aspires to globalize free markets, the rule of law and representative government.
Wreck of Western Culture
Humanism built Western Civilisation as we know it today. Its achievements include the liberation of the individual, democracy, universal rights & widespread prosperity and comfort. Its ambassadors are the heroes of modern culture: Erasmus, Holbein, Kant, Shakespeare, VeláZquez, Descartes and Freud. Those who sought to contain humanism's pride within a frame of higher truth - Luther, Calvin, Poussin, Kierkegaard could barely interrupt its torrential progress. Those who sought to reform humanism's tenets - Marx, Darwin, and Nietzsche were tested by the success of their own prophecies. So runs the approved view; it is not shared by John Carroll. Here, John Carroll significantly reworks his thesis on the failure of the West's 500 year experiment with humanism and its dire cultural consequences. Originally published in 1993, this edition is rewritten, expanded and updated in light of recent events and closes with September 11, 2001.
?This book is provocative, brilliant, exasperating.' - THE AGE
?John Carroll has earned a place entirely of his own, a place which but few others dare, or have the stamina to visit ? Some readers will find Carroll's book eye-opening; some will find it infuriating; all will find it unputdownable.' - ZYGMUNT BAUMAN
And - one of the books mentioned in a description:
Eats Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
A witty, entertaining, impassioned guide to perfect punctuation, for everyone who cares about precise writing. Not a primer but a 'zero tolerance' manual for direct action.
A panda walked into a cafe. He ordered a sandwich, ate it, then pulled out a gun and shot the waiter. 'Why?' groaned the injured man. The panda shrugged, tossed him a badly punctuated wildlife manual and walked out. And sure enough, when the waiter consulted the book, he found an explanation. 'Panda,' ran the entry for his assailant. 'Large black and white mammal native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.'
We see signs in shops every day for "Banana's" and even "Gateaux's". Competition rules remind us: "The judges decision is final." Now, many punctuation guides already exist explaining the principles of the apostrophe; the comma; the semi-colon. These books do their job but somehow punctuation abuse does not diminish. Why? Because people who can't punctuate don't read those books! Of course they don't! They laugh at books like those!
Eats, Shoots and Leaves adopts a more militant approach and attempts to recruit an army of punctuation vigilantes: send letters back with the punctuation corrected. Do not accept sloppy emails. Climb ladders at dead of night with a pot of paint to remove the redundant apostrophe in "Video's sold here".
That is a VERY funny title in Oz, because the joke description of the Australian male is that he is like a wombat when it comes to matters sexual:
Eats, roots, shoots and leaves.