Israel and The "Apartheid" Analogy

Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2015 02:19 pm
Here is a discussion of the claim that Israel is practicing "apartheid" against Palestinian Arabs.


The analogy is flawed. Apartheid was the law in South Africa. Israeli law gives
it's Arab citizens the same rights its Jewish citizens have.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2015 02:25 pm
I see you've never visited Israel. LOL
Do you know what green plates are?
Tes yeux noirs
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2015 03:34 pm
In the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Jews and Arabs have license plates that show their race.
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2015 03:55 pm
@Tes yeux noirs,
Maybe, but those places are not part of the state of Israel. They are occupied territories run by a group called HAMAS. HAMAS is a terrorist group that
fires rockets and mortars into israel, killing civilians. HAMAS has an article in it's charter which says they refuse to make peace with Israel and they never will. HAMAS was elected into power by the Palestinian population.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2015 03:59 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Who cares? What has that got to do with the rights of the Palestinian Arabs
who live in Israel?They have representatives in parliament just like the Jews do.

LOL! Anyone who lives there can look inside the vehicle and tell at a glance if the driver is Jew or Arab. They don't need the plates for that.
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Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2015 04:01 pm
@Tes yeux noirs,
Jews and Arabs are the same race. They are both Caucasian.
Therefore, any talk of "racism" by Jews against Arabs is nonsense.

Here is the article-they share a common genetic heritage:

Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2015 05:29 pm
In that case, what do you mean by this:

JoeBruno wrote:

LOL! Anyone who lives there can look inside the vehicle and tell at a glance if the driver is Jew or Arab. They don't need the plates for that.

How do you tell at a glance if they are of the same race.
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2015 07:39 pm
I was under the impression that prior to the 1967 war Arab Palestinians would cross into Israel from the Gaza Strip each morning to work in Israeli businesses. Based on Israel ending the 1967 war with strategic land for defense (West Bank) and captured East Jerusalem (the other part of the historic capitol), the Arab Palestinians ended their contented relationship with Israel.

So, based on suicide bombings, and other atrocities against Jewish Israelis, the less than friendly relationship now appears like the Arab Palestinians are being persecuted. Most seem to have forgotten the amicable pre-'67 relationship.

The problem is that the global left politically could care less if Israelis are being stabbed by Palestinians, in my opinion. But, since many of the Jewish Israelis lost families in wwII, and the Sephardic Israelis have a history of being second class citizens in Muslim countries, the Jews may just seem recalcitrant, as opposed to being the last witness to their families' history.

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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2015 07:56 pm
Joe Bruno has the keen sense of the ridiculous.
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2015 02:05 am
Frenchmen and people from India are both Caucasian-same race.
You can easily tell them apart, yes?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2015 02:10 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter
"Joe Bruno has the keen sense of the ridiculous."

Well, that's your opinion. With that and $2.50, you can buy a Coke.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2015 02:13 am
@cicerone imposter,
Oh, and I suppose you are claiming that, having visited Israel, you know all there is to know about the situation.....ROTFL!
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2015 03:58 am
One thing you might notice... I-slam is not a race. Yet...

But if they keep the inbreeding **** up for another century or two, they are in danger of becoming one.....

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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2015 11:50 am
The comparison is specious if it based on laws or behaviors existing with the so-called Occupied Territories. Someone like CI approves of that term because it suggests Israel is an invading aggressor. He may be very well correct, but if he is, it blows the apartheid theory out of water.

South Africa established apartheid to segregate it's citizens by race or skin color and while there may very well have been an element of security inherent in the practice it was based, for the most part, on a belief that the group being segregated were inferior to South Africans with white skin.

By now, I wouldn't be surprised if Israelis viewed Palestinians as a lesser people, but such a consideration would be born more from the latter's constant attempts to kill them rather than any perceived genetic or "racial" inferiority.

The policies that Israel directs towards Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are motivated by security concerns not racial hatred. These policies may or may not be ill considered, and ultimately unjust, but they do not constitute apartheid. The use of the term by critics of Israel is a deliberate attempt to put them in the same category as the former white dominated South Africa which was almost universally loathed.

From what I have seen, the charge of Israeli apartheid is focused primarily on it's policies in the Occupied Territories. In order for the charge to stick there has to be evidence that segregation based on ethnicity/race/religion exists within the state of Israel as respects all of it's citizens. It may be that such polices exist, but I'm not aware of them.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2015 12:32 pm
Yes, having visited Israel more than once, I have first hand knowledge about that country over people like you who have never been there. Do you know anything about Bethlehem with their wall?
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2015 03:19 pm
@cicerone imposter,
So anyone who visits the US more than once is qualified to pass judgment on us??
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2015 03:32 pm
Ha! People certainly do, and in fact, pass judgment (just as you so frequently do) without having visited the nation in question, at all.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2015 03:48 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
You're pretty ignorant; the majority of Americans have never seen the 50 states. Most can't possibly pass judgement about a country they haven't really seen first hand.
I have traveled extensively around the world having visited 77 countries, but have not visited all 50 states. I have many impressions of many countries, but I can't pretend to know them well enough to pass judgement about all of them.
I'm one of the few people who is fortunate to have friends all around the world - even in Moscow, Sergei, who gave me a tour of his city when I visited there a some years ago. (was a member of a2k, but have not seen him for a few years).
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2015 03:58 pm
Ha! The question wasn't do they.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2015 04:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

You're pretty ignorant; the majority of Americans have never seen the 50 states. Most can't possibly pass judgement about a country they haven't really seen first hand.
I have traveled extensively around the world having visited 77 countries, but have not visited all 50 states. I have many impressions of many countries, but I can't pretend to know them well enough to pass judgement about all of them.
I'm one of the few people who is fortunate to have friends all around the world - even in Moscow, Sergei, who gave me a tour of his city when I visited there a some years ago. (was a member of a2k, but have not seen him for a few years).

Ignorant of what?

I'm sure that as a world traveler you have insights into countries that those who have not visited them do not, but, alone. it hardly makes you an expert on any of them. In this particular case your political inclinations are such that no one can trust your observations.

I can't pretend to know them well enough to pass judgement about all of them.

Except Israel of course.

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