Tue 22 Dec, 2015 11:10 pm
Feel free to take the test, post your score, and provide new questions or commentary. Good luck.
1. When that tiresome person is not only wrong but exceptionally rude do you respond in kind?
2. When someone asks a poorly worded question do you comment upon the illiteracy?
3. Are there people here that you do not like?
4. Have you ever responded with a cunningly worded riposte that alludes to another's perceived sexual, racial, intellectual or other inadequacy?
5. Have you been banned from here for a period or received the ultimate accolade of the boot from any other site?
Tally the yes answers to calculate your result according to the following key :
5) Fully blown
4) Up there
3) Some scope
2) Try harder
1) Pass
0) Adroit
@Miss L Toad,
Now, what kind of language is that?
1. Do you post while under the influence?
2. Are you slightly paranoid?
3. Are they actually trying to destroy you and everything you stand for?
4. Do you have a swastika tattoo?
5. Is your point the only thing anyone should be focusing on?
One point per yes:
5: You're a jerk.
4: You're a jerk.
3: You're a jerk.
2: You're a jerk.
1: You're a jerk.
0: You don't realize you're a jerk.