Fri 6 Aug, 2004 05:20 pm
What is the best book ever and what are your favorite authours ever?
On Beyond Zebra
- Dr. Seuss
Small Gods, Terry Pratchett.
I can't stop raving about this book
Seriously, I have never read a better book.
Two that are right up there are "Nine Princes in Amber" by Roger Zelazny and "2001" by Arthur C. Clarke. To those who have seen the movie, "2001," but not read the book: anything you may have found confusing in the movie is probably explained clearly in the book.
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
I love Watership Down by Richard Adams, mainly because i read it when i was young(er) and it holds memories of that time..
I don't believe that there will ever be a 'best' book, but my favourite book of all time has to be the epistolary novel, 'Les liaisons dangereuses' (Dangerous Liaisons) by Laclos. It was written just before the Revolution in France, and documents the evil schemes of its two anti-heroes. It is both twistedly funny (one has to love the anti-heroes' wit and effervescence, despite hating what they do) and tragic; a brave insight into humans, without ever lagging. I would never go without the book when moving.
Joseph Campbell's, "The Power of Myth" explains the underlying meaning of religious myths, symbols, and metaphors.
James Burke's, "The Day the Universe Changed" discusses discoveries and inventions that radically changed the direction of thought and progress throughout the world's history.
Shogun by James Clavell and Childhood's end by Arthur C Clarke have impacted the way I look at the world beyond all other books. Both were both thoroughly enjoyable and though they're probably not the best books ever written they are my favourites. Great reads!
My two choices are Les Miserables and Captain Corelli's Mandolin.
What is the BEST book ever?
Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger
Mcmurtry'S "Lonesome Dove" and "The once and Future King" by WHite.
In terms of power to change lives?
Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand
In terms of power in depicting lives?
haven't decided yet, but undoubtedly lies within the ouevres of the Russian masters
In terms of visceral childhood power?
Narnia, without the Christianess. Just Narnia for the sake of Narnia.
Yes, the Narnia books were a lot of fun.
the best book ever is "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul" it got me through alot of shi* n helped me respect others more. But the book I wanna get now is "Confessions of a Heiress" by paris hilton it looks good!!
Favorite/best books
Good choice farmerman with The Once and Future King. Almost all of the T.H. White Authurian legends are increadebly well written and very easy and fun to become absorbed in.
My personal favorite would have to be Catch 22 though. Or at least thats one of them...
"The Fountainhead" from Ain Rand.