Am I a horrible person...

Reply Thu 11 Feb, 2016 04:03 am
Lordyaswas wrote:
I'm stunned.

Is the USA electorate really that effing impressionable?

I honestly, honestly thought it was a big spoof stalking horse scenario, just to put up two fingers to the same ol' same ol'.

I have watched several clips of him on the podium here and there, and find it hilarious that people fall for his spiel every time.
Lob in a controversial statement, whip up the crowd like kids at a Punch and Judy show, and wait for the massive press and TV coverage that will ensue.
Go to another meeting a week later.....lob in a controversial statement, whip up the audience..... so on and so on.

If it wasn't so truly terrifying, it would seem hilarious to the rest of the world.

Well look at it this way. The US is traditionally to the right of Europe. If groups like UKIP and National Front can make headway in Europe, I guess it stands to reason that the same thing will carry someone all the way to the presidency here in the US.

Trump won't be all bad as president though. After Mr. Obama's relentless assault against our Constitutional liberties, it'll be nice to have a president who actually values the Second Amendment.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Feb, 2016 04:05 am
farmerman wrote:
Im perfectly resigned to a Trump possibility.

It's not like any of us have any choice at this point. He's going to be our next president whether we like it or not.

I shudder to think what he's going to do regarding international trade, but at least Mr. Trump doesn't hate the Constitution.
Reply Fri 26 Feb, 2016 09:25 pm
If Trumpwins, he will likely be impeached in a year anyway cuz even the GOP hates him. In the meantime, he destroys our credibility amongst all the most powerful countries in the world we rely on for economic stability. If I didnt have kids, I would be laughing at our destruction right now, but I fear for their future. Bush Jr was bad enough with the Iraq war...which I never agreed with...now Trump? Maybe not everyone likes Obama, but at least hes presidential and a realist. Not the Pie in the Sky idiot Trump is.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Feb, 2016 02:25 am
Rage of middle-class America: Renowned for its optimism, the US today is consumed by self-doubt and hatred. Which is why voters - mad as hell - are backing lunatics in the most frightening election MAX HASTINGS has covered

One of the most famous lines in movies was delivered by U.S. TV anchorman Howard Beale, played by Peter Finch, who proclaimed live on air: ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this any more!’
The 1976 black comedy Network, which ends with Beale being shot dead on his own show, has become a minor classic. Beale’s explosion of rage against the condition of — well, just about everything — passed into folklore.
The phrase ‘I’m as mad as hell . . .’ ought to be dubbed the catchphrase of the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign, which has hardly started, yet is frightening the daylights out of moderate, rational Americans.
Next week, voters in 12 mostly Southern states go to the polls to choose delegates to the two parties’ autumn nominating conventions. The day is known as Super Tuesday, because it will determine the destinies of around a quarter of Republican candidate votes, a third of Democrat.
If the outcome of this week’s Nevada caucus is matched next Tuesday, Donald Trump will be heading towards securing the Republican Party’s nomination for the presidency.
Since Hillary Clinton is overwhelmingly likely to lead the Democratic ticket and a lot of people hate, hate, hate her, it is not completely impossible that Trump the racist, Trump the liar, Trump the opportunist, Trump the crusader for a jihad against Muslims and a trade war with China, could receive the keys to the White House in November’s national poll.
This is a serious state of affairs that bewilders most of us.
I reported my first U.S. election back in 1968. It took place in the midst of the Vietnam War with racial strife on the streets, and seemed a pretty savage affair at the time.

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Reply Sat 27 Feb, 2016 04:27 am
Mr. Trump doesn't hate the Constitution.

so youre ok with a total ban of "assault weapons"? Just trying to figure out where your moving support of the 2nd Amendment will put us.
Reply Sat 27 Feb, 2016 08:40 am
If Trump, or Clinton, gets elected, it is a dark day for the nation. But it likely is going to happen. People today no longer remember presidents such as Franklin Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Truman. Each election they settle for lowered expectations. If there were a graph, it would show the downward slide become steeper, with Reagan and dropping faster all the way to the present. Looks like we will hit rock bottom before enough of us wake up. This year may be it, or it may take a bit longer. Depends which one wins it.
Reply Sat 27 Feb, 2016 02:56 pm
Depends which one wins it.

No, it depends on when the voting public starts electing congressmen who are responsive to their needs rather than the 1%. It would take about 10 t0 14 years. Neither Clinton or Sanders can do anything with a republican congress but appoint SC judges.
Reply Sat 27 Feb, 2016 03:12 pm
So we gonna hit back hard at the Republicans, first step being to suggest a Republican to replace Scalia? Wake up, dude. No wonder Democrats are considered pushovers.
Reply Sat 27 Feb, 2016 05:00 pm
Wake up yourself Edgar. The republican congress said no one was going to be considered so TALKING about a republican judge was the thing to do. But they werent going to nominate him.
Reply Sat 27 Feb, 2016 05:38 pm
I see you are in denial about it. You probably don't recall Obama, in his first term, initiating Social Security cuts before the Republicans had the chance. Or, when we had a 60 vote majority, him telling congress, "Don't pass anything major, while the Republicans are down, or I will veto it."
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 27 Feb, 2016 06:52 pm
OnTruthout.org look for Obama wants to cut social security.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Mar, 2016 11:21 pm
Getting back to the hilarity of Trump being prez....

America can go back to being isolationists.

Communist countries will love us for the first time ever!

MSNBC will be shut down but so will FOX news, cuz he hates them too.

Watching Lindsey Graham suck Trumps "small hands"

The State of the union address will get more viewers then the Superbowl

ISIS will have record recruits.

US will have record renouncement of citizenship.

All ethnic communities in US will implode, then explode.

Need I say more? Hilarious! (Is there an emoji that has gun to head?)
Reply Fri 4 Mar, 2016 11:30 pm
No, its too freaking dismal.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Mar, 2016 05:11 pm
farmerman wrote:
so youre ok with a total ban of "assault weapons"?

Of course not. People who try to ban assault weapons are just trying to violate our civil rights for fun.

farmerman wrote:
Just trying to figure out where your moving support of the 2nd Amendment will put us.

It will put us in the last free country on the planet.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2016 09:49 am
@Robert Gentel,
OH NO!!!!!! Robert what a horrible man you are! I will pray for you! Maybe there is hope for you yet!

Bwaaaaaahahaha! Just kidding. Smile

Seriously though, if you are a horrible person because of that then I must be too because the same thought has crossed my mind a time or two. Lol
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2016 06:16 am
@Robert Gentel,
It would be the biggest joke of all time

My personal POV is that is the perfect description of Dubyah.
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Reply Wed 11 Sep, 2019 12:57 am

I found this old thread that Robert started, and after re-reading it I decided to repeat what I wrote in 2015. If you back to the beginning you would think all of the folks here had crystal balls....so many of the 'worst possible outcome' have occurred. I think it's worth the time to start from the beginning .... it's a little scary.


"He won't influence people to start hating Hiliary, a portion of the populace already hates her. My Aunt hates her because she stayed with Bill after the Monica hoo haa, but my Aunt didn't leave her husband even when she found out about his affairs (which were a tad more involved). Can Trump win? I hope not, but the voters have surprised me before."

"I was taking to my old pals from work, we wondered if he would tone down the bombast if he was read into some the agreements this country has. The consensus was that it would be too dangerous, he might decide he could make better deals and publically trash talk agreements that the U.S. has had for decades and would isolate us from our partners. I really don't want to see allies disengage because Trump thinks it might make points with his base. It makes me cringe when he makes these sweeping statements about banning Muslims or busing millions of illegals out of the country. "

"Before I forget, I'm not endorsing illegal immigration, I'm just at a loss on how this could be reversed without serious consequences for the U.S. in the following years. Compromise is not a dirty word. "
Reply Wed 11 Sep, 2019 06:35 am
Hmmm... many said "Trump isn't going to win". I thought as much: "Clinton can't loose this one"... Rolling Eyes

I wonder how many people voted for Trump just for the fun of yelling "**** you" at the system, as sort of implied in the OP. Probably quite a few. According to Michael Moore's pre-election oped, where he predicted Trump's win, the desire to yell "F...k you" at the system is the main reason Trump got elected.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Sep, 2019 07:03 am
In 2016,
farmerman wrote:

Im perfectly resigned to a Trump possibility. The good side of that clown becoming president is that Congress, arguably the most dysfunctional group of selectmen on the planet, would no doubt, begin working together. A living example of the Arabic proverb,
" the enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Bolded portion mine. How did that work out?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Sep, 2019 07:21 am
I wonder what Robert is up to these days. It would be interesting to hear his take on his thread.

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