It may seem odd, but our current situation originates with the fruit of a tree mentioned in Genesis, ch. 3. God had already proclaimed his humans perfect and offered them a single choice, to eat or refrain. It was God's tree, remember, so he had the right to control.
So, is this about a fruit? Or, is it about something more? Does it not seem likely that the choice involves God's right to set standards for his creation? Put it this way, a product manufacturer honors the guarantee only when users follow the instructions. God's promise of Edenic life carried the same caveat. So Adam's sin brought death. And, because he was no longer perfect, he could pass on only death to his offspring.
It was mentioned a few posts back that God has a remedy. In verse 15 of the above chapter, he fortells the execution of the 'serpent' by a an individual he would later identify.
Well, it's been an awful long time. What's the holdup? First of all, we are not the time keepers. And, a careful reading of chapter 3 will identify several issues that must be settled. After all, what if the serpent was correct in his assertions?