Good to see you Phoenix! :wink:
Dlowan: Atlas Shrugged had a profoundly positive effect on me. So when someone opens a thread to request encouragement to read it, being the kind soul that I am, and believing only positive things can come from the experience, I naturally try to provide that encouragement. It would appear I unfairly included you, in my defense of it. My bad, sorry about that.
I suspect I probably learned at least little tidbits from pretty much everything I've ever read, which is quite a bit. Most people would agree that Dostoevsky's 'Crime and Punishment' for instance, was a very thought-provoking book and a significant number would tell you they identified with Raskolnikov on some level... which is somewhat fantastic considering who he was and what he did. I did. While I would never place Ayn Rand's writing talents in same school, let alone class, as Dostoevsky; I would nonetheless report Atlas Shrugged was more thought-provoking and that I identified more with several of her characters than any Dostoevsky ever created. And you better believe I will take as offensive anyone's attempt to say that is because I'm less sophisticated. That is a groundless charge that serves only to denigrate a particular group of people. One I proudly admit to being part of. (hmmm, that sounds familiar :smile: )
People take from books only what they believe and remember and no more. I learned from reading the Bible, though I don't believe in God. I learned from reading Dianetics, though I don't believe in "Clears" (Clear = L. Ron Hubbard's supposed superhuman result of Dianetic therapy).
I find it childish to suggest that someone with a liking for any particular philosophy or source of it, is stupid, idiotic, a pseudo-intellectual, or suggesting that they are more likely to be influenced if they, themselves are less sophisticated. This method of discourse usually seems to be looked down upon around here.
Democrats are stupid, republicans are idiotic, only a pseudo-intellectual would doubt the existence of God, and the Bible is influential especially on the less sophisticated.- I've noticed that usually around here; this type of "my opinion is better than yours" statement is frowned upon, along with the speaker.
Enter Atlas Shrugged. Some of the very people who are frequently doing the frowning, decide it's time to behave in a fashion consistent with those they usually frown upon. And, INHO, the less knowledgeable they are about the "extra-value-added-opinion" they are sharing, the sillier they look for doing so. This would be true of any subject it seems, but Atlas shrugged.
Debra_law asked for the fans of Atlas shrugged to encourage her to read it. Most of the people who've chimed in here have tried to do so, including you. Purposely provoking those who showed up to do so is, in my opinion, a childish thing to do. Not unlike interrupting theists who have met to discuss the Bible, for the purpose of telling them they're foolish. What ever happened to Frank anyway?
Debra: I repeat Kicky's sentiment; pay no attention to this distraction. Read the book and decide for yourself if you like it. There is good reason for the hoo-ha. :wink: