Dlowan, there's no need for apology. We're all entitled to our opinions. Btw the stuff you said you kind of liked came from the Fountainhead. :wink: Howard Roark was the architect in that story. His character was supposedly loosely based on Frank Lloyd Wright because of Wright's independent style and refusal to accept the going consensus when he thought he knew betterÂ… and did.
Craven, describing something you haven't even read as dumb or illogical ramblings provides no basis for argument. But I'll answer since Debra asked "Fans of Atlas Shrugged, please give me encouragement." Not "People who haven't read Atlas Shrugged, please give me your negative summary of other people's negative summaries.
Funny thing is, Craven, you personify many of the ideals Ayn Rand presents. I'd happily purchase and send you a copy if you agreed to read it.
Debra, since Ayn Rand's philosophy has a great deal to do with individuals relying on themselves rather than societal groups like churches, governments (both sides) you will find many people with strong beliefs in these institutions, or any other major societal institution, will have negative things to say. The idea of pseudo-conservatives using the book as their bible is laughable because conservative ideals are not presented in the book. Since the ideals are about independent thought (opposing group allegiance) and self reliance, it is typically a little easier to swallow for conservativesÂ… unless of course they are big into organized religion (matters not at all, which religion; independent thought is a threat to them all). The book has zero to do with promoting any of them or any other organization. It promotes thinking for oneself, for one's own sake. A celebration of the individual mind, if you will.
If I thought I could adequately sum up the book for you or anyone else, I would, rather than recommending it. Being a fan, I've read dozens of summaries and though some are better than others, none get it done. There's a reason it's big (beyond repetition)and I hope you don't let the naysayers, that will probably find this thread soon, discourage you. I assure you there are tons of people who would encourage you if they weren't put off by the arguments that ensue. Despite your request for encouragement, it seems there are always more people interested in tearing things down than building them up. Human nature I guess. As good as you are at expressing yourself, I am very much looking forward to hearing your assessment.