Will you concede that much of the worlds conflicts are religion driven and without the irritant of religion the world would be a safer and more peaceful place.
There is absolutely no evidence that suggests this is the case. As I noted, Pol Pot and Mao and Stalin took your suggestion and got rid of the "irritant of religion". Their countries were not safer or any more peaceful.
There is no evidence that religous people are any more violent than non-religious. Ethnic conflicts happen in religious cultures as well as non-relgious ones. This suggests that religion is not a "driving" cause, but rather gets involved in conflicts as part of the culture, a way to justify and express national interests. If there is no religion, cultures simply choose another part of their culture as a rallying point and the violent part of human nature is fulfilled.
Saying that without religion the world would be safer and more peace is ridiculous.
People kill each other just fine whether they are religious or not.
The fact seems to remain that all peace movements are religiously based. No one has provided a single counter-example. So, on balance, if anything religion has made us a bit more peaceful.
War is just a part of human nature. That religious people have wars simply shows that relgious people are human. They do what everyone else does.
Religion does not make us more warlike.