Hey everyone
I saw what u guys r talking about
so I thought maby I can share some of what I know about islam
I read a lot of books about islam..
And I have to say im kinda amazed of what I read
Why do so many people commit suicide? Because they never had the
answer to the above question. Some people know. Some. And its man's
best kept secret.
I know what your thinking. "Oh god he's gonna preach us on religion."
Not exactly
It's a WAY OF LIFE, and what if I told u its called Islam? I'm
Christian. But Christianty is a RELIGION not a WAY OF LIFE. 80% of
Americans are "Christians", but sad to say, look at them.
Homosexuality, suicide, drugs, adultery, even among their own
preachers is common. I should know.
The old pastor at my church got kicked out for molesting a child. I'm
not attacking anyone. I'm saying the facts. Besides that, it doesn't
make sense. Neither do the other million "religions" found on this
earth. They all claim to be simple religions, usually claiming belief
in one god.
But they are lacking in on truth, the facts.
So anyway we die. We leave behind everything. EVERYTHING. You think
that the Porsche u spent your whole life trying to get is going with
u? The only things that're going with u are your burial clothes and
coffin, if that even. And there is one other thing, but it's unseen.
Your deeds. ALLLL the things u did in this life, good and bad, go
with you. And so we're in the grave. What happens to you in the grave
is another story but basically your body rots. I mean your "this
life" body. The body that we had for (if we are lucky) 80 years is
gone and with it our doings!
Allah Himself has guaranteed that He would guard the Qur'an from corruption (see Qur'an 15:9). Hence, the real and pure words of Allah are found in the Qur'an, which was revealed in Arabic, the language of Mohammed's people. Since then, not an iota has changed. This is unlike what has happened in the other religions. For example, if you look at the Bible, you find a lot of versions; the name Bible itself is indicative of those changes because Bible means a collection of books from different writers.
God calls the Scripture revealed to Jesus "Injeel" in the Qur'an for which the closest name in the Bible would be the word Gospel. The Bible was written many years after the time of Jesus in a language that was alien to Jesus; it was Latin Vulgate, a language that he never spoke. Isn't this strange? Interestingly, most of what was written in the New Testament was authored by Paul, who, according to James, the brother of Jesus in the Bible, had a polluted mind because he changed and contradicted most of the teachings of Jesus.
Well, I, very deep in my heart, believe that God can never look like his creation nor does he do what they do. What I believe is that God is the perfect one who is very much different from everything we see or touch. In other words, I think the writer can never look like his book.
The Christians of today(( like me )) are following what Paul taught and also tend to follow what the priests tell them to do instead of following what Jesus said.
I'll explain the concept of salvation through the crucifixion of Jesus:
In Christianity, the Doctrine of Original Sin is the reason that there is a need for salvation through Jesus' crucifixion. However, this doctrine was invented by Paul and it is strongly negated in the Old Testament (see Ezekial 18:20, Jeremiah 31:30, Deut. 24:16). This doctrine is an attempt to escape the responsibility of righteousness with the belief that punishment is given to someone else to release us from our burden of sins (see Ephesians 1:7, Romans 4:25, 10:9, Corinthians 15:21) In the Qur'an, every soul is responsible for its own deeds, good or bad (see 74:38,41:46, 3:25, 6:154).
The crucifixion itself:
The Bible says Jesus cried out in a loud voice beseeching God for help on the cross: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46) Does that sound like Jesus to you?
You say: Then what about Jesus' appearance
Jesus didn't die on the cross nor was he resurrected. If he were resurrected, then he would have come to his disciples in a spiritual body. As shown in Luke 24:36-43, he met them with his physical body after the event of his alleged crucifixion. In the Qur'an, it says that Jesus was not crucified, but it was someone else who was made to look like him (see 4:157,158). ce to his disciples after the crucifixion?
Then how did the story of the crucifixion of Jesus get into the Bible then?
Once again, Paul was responsible (see Timothy 2:8 and Romans 5:10).
However, Paul took pagan beliefs and practices from the Romans and mixed them with the teachings of Jesus. Consequently, Paul was mostly responsible for elevating Jesus to the status of Son of God and God (see Acts 9:20).
The first Commandment is, " Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is One Lord."
That's in Mark 12:29. Moreover, the Qur'an confirms that God is One: "Say He is Allah, the One and Only (God)." (Qur'an 112:1)
The right picture of lslam is conveyed in the Qur'an, which is exemplified by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. The reality is that it is not fair to judge a religion by the actions of its followers alone because there are good and bad followers in every religion. The correct thing to do is to judge a religion by its documented revelation from God and the prophet who brought that revelation .. well
that's what I think.
I have some facts wich really amazed me
1- In the Quran , ALLAH had said that jews will never have peace with muslims
till judjment day
, jews can prove that the Quran is wrong just by simply stop the war and treat muslims like any other group of people
..but till now
for like 100 years and more they just didt
.does this prove anything..?? This story is mostly like the story of ABU LAHAB when god had said he would die as a kafir ( he wont enter islam), ABU LAHAB had 10 years to prove that the QURAN is not the words of ALLAH but he just didn't
2- In the QURAN ,ALLAH had said that one of the signs that show the coming of the judgment day is : THE RISING OF THE SUN FROM THE WEST. Scientits these days had said that the sun is slightly moving from its position and it would some day ( wich is not very soon ) would rise from the west
Im only 14 years old
and what I wrote I what I know
.i hope to learn and read and explore more about this world
Not through media
but through the real thing
.please add a comment to what I wrote..and I want to say that I don't
Want to hurt any one
im just saying what I think
If any one has any question they can ask me
..that'll help me know more
This is the first thing i add in here... iknow its not that good

.. but im still looking up to learn more.