I am sorry that Montana spent so many good years with bums.
I am sorry that Gautam wasted so much time on guys that weren't worth a second date.
I am sorry that Grand Duke lied to P about smoking and feels so guilty.
I am sorry that Cav heartlessly abandoned his loyal and dying pet.
I am sorry that SUFP poisoned her brother's innocent plants.
I am sorry that I don't have Piffka's and Setanta's senses of humor.
But most of all...
I am sorry I didn't live on the East Coast in the '70s and '80s.
Thanks for that, Rick. I understand now! Sorry for taling so long to say thanks.
Piffka wrote:Great idea, MsOlga. Did you ever see the Apology thread on that other nameless forum?
<Oops.. I apologize to the management here for mentioning that forum.>
No, I missed it, Piffka! I'm really sorry I did!
Setanta wrote:I am profoundly sorry for having used my time machine in 1787 to convince the Lords of Trade that they could rid themselves of the surplus convict population, which they had previously sent to America, by shipping them out to that largely vacant continent in the South Seas--without which, we might never have been obliged to endure this thread . . .
Pfffffffffffhhht! And I'm extremely sorry the other side didn't win the Boston Tea Party!
Pffft on Eva. I did NOT abandon my dying pet. My parents insisted on sending me to camp and I trusted them to take care of poor Spliff.
I don't have anything to apologise for. What ever I said to anyone over the last 58 years, I meant!
But, Victor, is there anything that you meant that you feel sorry about? :wink:
cavfancier wrote:Pffft on Eva. I did NOT abandon my dying pet. My parents insisted on sending me to camp and I trusted them to take care of poor Spliff.
Sorry, cav. You're right, you didn't abandon your dying pet. I should have said it differently. Is this better?...
I am sorry that cav foolishly trusted his parents to care for his helpless, dying pet.
precious, sorry but we're out of taters. It's pasta tonight, babe.
Bless me sister, for i have sinned
It has been 39 years since my last confession.
I have eaten meat on Fridays, and during Lent. I once ate a Jewish girl during Passover, but i don't think that applies to Catholics during Lent, and, anyway, we broke up soon after.
I have had more impure thoughts than you can shake a stick at, and i lost count early in 1969.
I have coveted my neighbor's wife, until i heard her drunk and screeching at him at that cookout. Since then, i peak out from the blinds to make sure she's not in sight before i dash out to the jeep.
I've taken the Lord's name in vain so goddamned many times it's pathetic.
Through my fault
Through my fault
Through my most greivous falut
Mea culpa
Mea culpa
Mea maxima culpa
Eva wrote:cavfancier wrote:Pffft on Eva. I did NOT abandon my dying pet. My parents insisted on sending me to camp and I trusted them to take care of poor Spliff.
Sorry, cav. You're right, you didn't abandon your dying pet. I should have said it differently. Is this better?...
I am sorry that cav foolishly trusted his parents to care for his helpless, dying pet.
Yes, that's better. :wink:
Psst, Set, don't worry about the Jewish girl/Passover thing. They are carb free, since they all jumped on the Atkin's bandwagon.
Quote:I once ate a Jewish girl during Passover
Um -- dare I ask -- leavened or unleavened?
I would like to apologize to myself, for punching myself in the nuts during a fit on the bus this morning.
Victor Murphy wrote:I don't have anything to apologise for. What ever I said to anyone over the last 58 years, I meant!
Ahhh, ahem. Excuse me, Mr. Murphy, but is there anything you've
done or
thought for which you feel contrite?
Just wondering... pardon my curiosity. I'm sorry that I butted in.
patiodog wrote:Um -- dare I ask -- leavened or unleavened?
Hey, she told me she was on the pill . . . don't try to blame me for any unwanted consequences . . . do you know this girl?
"I have had more impure thoughts than you can shake a stick at, and i lost count early in 1969."

heh heh I like that one!
gargamel, that was a pretty silly thing to do!
the reincarnation of suzy wrote:"I have had more impure thoughts than you can shake a stick at, and i lost count early in 1969."

heh heh I like that one!
gargamel, that was a pretty silly thing to do!
I find "painful" more appropos, but silly works for me too.