I'd like to apologize to countless numbers of women who were out and around partying the East coast in the 70's and 80's.
I kept a journal and I'm writing a book.
jespah wrote:RP, sorry I ate the last of the kasha. We'll have potatoes tonight instead.
no prob -- u
know how i feel about taters...
I'm sorry for lots of stuff I can't remember during that Mardi Gras so many years ago.
I am profoundly sorry for having used my time machine in 1787 to convince the Lords of Trade that they could rid themselves of the surplus convict population, which they had previously sent to America, by shipping them out to that largely vacant continent in the South Seas--without which, we might never have been obliged to endure this thread . . .
Bow Wow Wow Yippie O Yippie Ay
Set's gonna start some **** today
arf arf!!
Region Philbis wrote:jespah wrote:RP, sorry I ate the last of the kasha. We'll have potatoes tonight instead.
no prob -- u
know how i feel about taters...
I'm sorry I don't make taters more often, precious ...
BTW, which of Gollum's personalities are you?
I'm sorry... OK?...just sorry ... alright I'm really sorry.
I apologize for my post where I said Cheney was in league with the devil.

Personally, I doubt that there is a devil so it would be hard for Cheney to be in league with him, so while it sure was fun to say, I am sorry. Very, very sorry.
I apologize to myself for ever getting involved with the losers that sucked so many years out of my life. I really did myself wrong and I'm so very sorry for that.
Montana wrote:I apologize to myself for ever getting involved with the losers that sucked so many years out of my life. I really did myself wrong and I'm so very sorry for that.
I'm sorry that technology has not advanced to the point that I could be cloned and sent to every major city so that all the girls could have a good experience with a man.....one day Montana...
I'm not sorry for anything. I don't believe in guilt or sin. All hail Satan.
Ooookay, I'll show my weaker side....I'm sorry, my old pet gerbil Spliff, for leaving with you my dad when I went to summer camp and knew you were dying. I called him from Haliburton and asked, "How's Spliff, is she getting better?" He said "No, she died, and I flushed her down the toilet." I'm sorry Spliff, I should never have left you with that evil man.
I'm sorry to my brother, for putting bleach in his Venus Flytrap plants. (shouldn'ta messed with me...lol)
The East Coast? Ohoh! I'm sorry if I was one of them and don't remember you, BP!
Poor Spliff
It's okay suzy there were a lot of 'ludes going around... :wink:
I only did qualudes ONCE with a bunch of my girlfriends and sisters. Ended up leaving the club with a couple guys I met in the parking lot, to see their snake. (There really was a snake!) The next day I woke up, found my underwear, and got a ride home. Then I had to go find my boyfriend and apologize to him for not coming home the night before. He forgave me. That was the first and last time I did Qualudes. Evil stuff!
msolga wrote:Eva wrote:I have a question. What's the point of apologizing if we don't know whether our apologies will be accepted?
Because, Eva, it shows how open, well intentioned, generous & sensitive we are!
AND exposes how mean spirited the apologee is if our sorry-ness is not accepted & we aren't forgiven!

OH! Well, in THAT case....(thinking)