Fri 23 Jul, 2004 06:35 pm
Edit: Moderator: Moved from Medical News to Wilderness, Wildlife & Ecology
Okay, so it was either here or pets and garden; didn't seem like politics or North America were appropriate categories for this query either!
I am pretty P O'd since I discoved that not just my town, but the city of Boston, our beautiful capital, uses chemicals on it's public grass!
Is it just me, or does anyone else find this obscene? How did this become an acceptable practise?
This is the kind of thing I think we the people should get to vote on! Do we want to poison our grass, groundwater and any animals or humans that might frolic on the lawn, just so it will look pretty? I think it's depraved to do such a thing on any property, but particularly on public property with a history of usage as described below:
Go to the common or public garden any warm day; there are hundreds of people sitting and laying on the grass, picnicking, playing ball, reading, tanning, which should be their perogative, only without the chemical intake.
What do you think of this practise?
I saw this post and thought the headline had something to do woth the dangers of marijuana smoking but this even more important. In this case we are forced to injest chemicals, however small amounts, into our bodies without our consent or knowledge. I suppose the grass would not be as pretty without the chemicals because the chemicals kill insects - and maybe people!
It's a shame that we live in a quick-solution society. The general feeling is, 'we either take our time and embark on a lengthy solution, or screw it, as we won't be in power in ten years' time, anyway, when they have to deal with the effects.' It's a vicious cycle that goes and goes.
It makes me sick and it makes me mad.
Who decided it's okay to poison us? Not me.
Suzy - they've finally banned chemicals on lawns here in Tranna. It can happen there too - takes a LOT of community action.
Now - to try to make you smile again - something from an old friend
Enjoy! (and share - it's equal opportunity silliness)
Oh, good for Tranna! I have found that too many people don't give a hoot. They think it's just hippie stuff.
That's a great site, huh? Fedral posted it a few days ago. pretty funny!
(i, too thought this was about mary jane, perhaps in response to kicky's excellent adventure earlier this evening...)
had no idea
they're doing this!
is it just this year -- a DNC spruce-up -- or've they been quietly poisoning us for years?
I don't know, Region. I didn't notice it at the Public Garden last year, but that means little, since I'm generally not very observant.
I must remember to bitch about this Monday to the mayor. Who else do you think I should express my outrage to? Senator Kennedy? Any ideas?
I just noticed there is an "ecology" category here. Whoops!
Suzy, yesterday I would have sided with you on this issue. I have always hated the idea of saturating the grounds with poison just to have a weed-free lawn. How shallow and stupid.
But now, because of Bill's face being attached to my head, I find myself wanting to buy chemicals.
I want to poison the world.
<sobbing quietly as Gus struggles to break free>