I believe in God
Quote:You believe in God...that doesn't mean you even pretend to understand who he is or what he wants...but you do believe.
God commands you to have faith in and love your fellow man.
You have no faith whatever in your fellow man and your love for him weakens by the day.
I believe in God. I don't pretend to know exactly who He is or what He wants. In all honesty, I don't believe that God "commands" anything. He is neither master nor servant. He gave each individual "free will" to follow whatever path in life that we choose. I think He wants us to make the right choices, but He does not interfere unless we ask Him to. I think if we seek His guidance, He will give us guidance--we just have to be receptive to the messages or messengers he sends.
I think he wants us to be happy, loving, caring people--but not SUCKERS--not USERS--not ABUSERS. If some of our "fellow man" are undeserving of our complete faith in them (as individuals as opposed to mankind as a species), I think God wants us to be alert to the evil-doers and not allow them to deceive us into becoming evil-doers ourselves. And, no person can take the "turn the other cheek" philosophy too far or it will lead to self-destruction.
For those who try to use me, abuse me, or take advantage of me: Fool me once (because I give you the benefit of the doubt)--shame on you--fool me twice--shame on me.