Mon 13 Jan, 2003 05:31 am
Quote:FREDERICKSBURG, Va.--Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia complained Sunday that courts have gone overboard in keeping God out of government
Chicago Sun-Times
People with that complaint have their own axes to grind. I don't say that just tp protect atheists such as myself, but Buddhists Hindus, and the like also.
I think it's very important to separate the law from the bible, unless you want to be on the same level as the islamic countries that GWB are wanting to bomb... They use their Book as the law.
A lot of people(I'm not one of them) are sure that god will be the final judge, so keep him out of the lawbusiness on earth, ok?
IMO God belongs in three places:
Houses of Worship
Private gatherings of like minded people
God does NOT belong in any level of government!
I decide to begin again
I've been thinking, maybe it's time to opt in. Benefits to religious organizations can only increase in the future so maybe it's time.
I'm going to start a church, no wait, I'm going to start a religion and then I'll build a lot of churchs, (or temples, you can tell, I haven't got all the terminology set yet, although I think I'll get farther with churchs than with temples. And NO mosques, right. heh. heh. Bad timing)
No wait, I don't actually need a building! It will be an Internet Church, though still fully eligible for Federal Support for Spirit Based Whodoo Whatyoudoos or whatever it's called.
Okay, first a belief system, you got to have one of those:
We here at the
First CHURCH of the Gooey Death and Discount House of Religion* believe we have the Only Truth about the Way.
( You want to be exclusive about your product in the religion business, but not so much that no one wants to send in the money, er I mean, join your flock. I think I need to make it a little more vague. )
Oh man, this is turning out to be a lot of work.... I have to spend this afternoon re-writing our Great Bibilobababluh of Crystal Synapse Zappers and I have an appointment at the tailors to finish my robes.
When should I start checking my mailbox for donations and government assistance checks?
Joe Nation
* Name stolen from a comedy album I heard thirty years ago and now it's mine, mine, mine!!!
do we have a god, or gods, or do we simply worship you, joe nation?
do tell us when you're done writing!
good idea actually and i can start a reformation with the Church of Hooey Death and Even Greater Discount House of Satan. 10% rebates for prepaid tithes.
I'm thinking a God fearing person might avoid this thread. I don't want serious religious people to think we will make fun of them. Let's back off a little bit folks and see if anyone on A2K will check I AGREE. Be nice now.
So many decisions to make:
One supernatural being or a committee of them,
if it's a committee, is there a chairperson who Lords it over the others?
Do we have beads or no beads?
Graven images or engraven images?
(I vote for lots and lots of things we can sell at the Discount House.
Lots and lots of gods and demigods and semidemigods and semidemihemigods. But no demagogues.)
Will we resolve all conflicts of logic with patronizingly toned sermons on faith? Or will we be silent but with a look of smug satisfaction on our faces?
Um.... all these things shall be revealed in due time.
Hey.... wasn't there a real Rev. Billy Hargis?....>>>?? I wonder if Don got himself sued over that?
Holy Joe
Mapleleaf- I have no problem with honest, God fearing people. It is those who want to impose their ideology on ME that I find distasteful. And when religious politicians attempt to legislate based on THEIR concept of religion, I believe that they are abrogating MY rights!
You're right, Mapleleaf. I don't want to make too light of this very serious subject.
A Supreme Court Justice, and BTW
THE Justice that has been most talked about as taking the job as Chief Justice when Justice Renquist retires in a year or so, has signaled his acceptance of the idea that this nation ought to be a theocracy if enough state legislators vote for it.
Apparently the idea that the Supreme Court of the United States is the last hope of the individual citizen to escape the tyranny of the majority was taught in his law school on a day he was out sick.
Oh, and I found the Reverend Hargis. Here's a good example of the kind of philosophy the Justice would increase into the public's government.
not laughing,
That ol' boy ain't no laughin' matter, Boss, kinda scary, ain't he?
I don't care if it rains or freezes
Long as i got my plastic Jesus
Asettin' on the dashboard of my car
Drivin' ninety, it ain't scary
Long as i got my virgin Mary
Settin' on the dashboard of my car!
Religion and government are like oil and water they do not make a good mix. An individual with his beliefs does not belong on the supreme count let alone be chief justice. This however, is George Bush's ideal candidate for the supreme court and if given the opportunity he will stack the court with.
What makes it more disturbing is it an appointment made for life.
Quote:Mapleleaf- I have no problem with honest, God fearing people. It is those who want to impose their ideology on ME that I find distasteful. And when religious politicians attempt to legislate based on THEIR concept of religion, I believe that they are abrogating MY rights!
I am somewhere in this ball park. I look back upon my up bringing in the Northern Baptist Church with much fondness. The people eased me into the world. My family were blue collar workers who settled in the hills of Missouri,
Grapes of Wrath type folks.
Now I use the label of Unitarian. I am not a Christian. I am simply a curious seeker. The word god does not fit within my present definition of self. I prize my
freedom of choice.
while it seems very humanistic and even polite to say that its "only a few zealots" that give christians a bad name. i beg to differ, the inherent "self-righteousness" of the children of abraham, en masse, leads to an attitude that is ill suited to tollerence. i see very little difference between the "holy jihad" of islam, the "crusades" of christians, or the bible belters demand for an "one nation under god". i so often hear the phrase that "those who commit sins under the name of chirstianity" are not "true" christians. so where are these "true" christians and how do we separate them from the "untrue" christains? i much prefer to live under the guise to law and order by established priciples of fair and equitable treatment of all, not someone's bible "revelation". but what the hey, i am an atheist and no doubt immoral with no redeeming social ethic.
The above link should take you to First Things, a very conservative RC journal in which Scalia, within the context of discussing the death penalty, explains his view that governments derive their right to rule from God, and not from the people. [Note: When you view Justice Scalia's essay, please scroll down to the point where you can see that he is quoting the Apostle Paul. It is the paragraphs surrounding that quote that are interesting.]
This is a man who would be far more comfortable living in the middle ages.
It is certainly worth while to browse through the articles in old issues of the journal to be found at the First Things web site.
If we have gone too far in keeping God out of government,
Why does US money say "In God we trust"?
Why does Congress have an official chaplain?
Why does the President take his oath of office on a Bible?
Why is Christmas a federal and state holiday?
Hazlitt, your link was appreciated. Was there a line or two from the essay that you can quote regarding the Justice's view of God and law, or was it the tenor of the article the caused you to say:
Quote:within the context of discussing the death penalty, explains his view that governments derive their right to rule from God, and not from the people.