Sun 12 Jan, 2003 08:25 pm
How long can fish be left out and still be ok for animals to eat? I cooked up some salmon this a.m. and left the last bit in the microwave all day. Still ok for a dog or cat?
I would think so... Unless your microwave is absolutely filthy to the point where mold and things are growing in it (which is seriously doubt! lol) it should be good. You could always nuke it again for a few minutes to kill off anything that might have started...
That's what I thought. My mic's pretty clean - certainly no mold or any other living things, we use it way too much! I asked because the cat snubbed the salmon and he doesn't do that very often. I miced it again (to make sure) and he still didn't eat it. Guess I'll give it to the dog.
Maybe he's in a mood? or feeling a bit off, himself?
Yeah, Beth, or he's sick of salmon.
Howd Bootsie feel about it?
You know how cats are.
or that.
Bailey's gone off what was his favourite biscuit for nearly 4 years.
It shouldn't be a problem LittleK. I agree that I'd nuke it a little to make it a little more to a kitties liking.
If there ever is anything the cat wouldnt' eat, the dogs always helped out.
I wouldn't worry,k. 'Course, I wouldn't have left over salmon either ...
But anyway, dogs and cats aren't strictly carnivores; the are oportunistic omnivores. In the wild, or if domesticated and given the opportunity, they will eat and thrive on durned near any disgusting old thing. On the other hand, if there's a bit of food the critter won't eat, we might be advised to think before we chow down on it.
omnivores is right, used to have a doberman who would pick and eat pears off my mothers tree. but, that dog was strange........
I dunno if that's so strange. Here at Timberland, a couple of The Puppies have great fondness for mixed garden vegetable salad. They especially enjoy it if it's had a day or two to mature on top of the compost heap. Gotta remember to keep that gate shut.
My dog girls have a thing for nuts. They'll eat any kind, even Brazil nuts which I'd otherwise set out for the birds.
There is something called salmon poisoning which can be fatal to dogs, but it comes from eating raw salmon left to rot on the beach.
Of course there is the caveat that you aren't supposed to be giving table scraps to them... but I'm sure Bootsie was pleased, right?
Thanks all! Yep, gave a little to the dog, she loved it (she loves anything). If she doesn't get sick, I'll give her the rest tomorrow. Maybe little picky-kitty will want some tomorrow. He scarfed down canned tuna.
Piffka! Salmon poisoning... yech. I don't think this was that far gone. It smelled ok to me (as far as salmon can ever smell good).
The salmon poisoning I mentioned only comes from raw fish. No worries, littlek. You will be refrigerating it overnight though, right?
yep, went into the fridge immediately.
Bootsie will be a happy girl tomorrow then!
(Quick note -- E.G. saw me reading this and got very suspicious. I'd been giving him a hard time for feeding the sozlet some 2-day old salmon -- refrigerated, but still. He actually read through it to make sure I hadn't accused him of something. Men.

That's funny! We assume the sozlet is fine, of course?
Mr.K has a thing about food that "should be eaten soon" -- that sort of intro puts him right off and he's likely to open a can of soup.
"Here smell this, I can't tell if it's icky or not."
All I know is that cats won't eat anything that smells icky in their fine noses... On the other hand, they go totally bananas over canned catfood, go figure...