Leadfoot wrote:
You know what Frank, If I spent my money on $5000 a night whores, I'd feel like I got a better deal than spending my time replying to this post of yours.
That's funny because while I often feel that way about Frank's posts, I think this one was pretty astute. (I think he must have ripped it off from something I wrote previously

When you think you already have the answer to a question, there's a damned good chance that's the one you'll find.
I don't think anyone can truly put the notion of God out of their mind when they search for "the meaning of life," but it does make sense to begin the search with an open mind. If you end up with God you can at least feel like the result wasn't pre-programmed.
These discussion about God seem to me to be pointless, unless the point of participating is to hone one's own beliefs. I would hope everyone realizes that the chances of convincing a theist that there is no God or an atheist that there is, are about as close to nil as can be. Neither side can prove they are right so it usually comes down to:
"You're foolish/cowardly/arrogant/naive/self-absorbed etc for believing what you believe. If you were smarter/deeper/more learned/less rigid etc you would believe what I believe."
I try not to criticize anyone for what they believe relative to God. That is unless they are putting forth the message that God wants us to do horrible things to one another or, for that matter, that because there is no God we are free to do horrible things to one another. A lot of what people believe makes no sense to me, but I've no doubt the same can be said about what I believe.
I will stick my two cents in when one side or the other uses what I consider specious arguments to disprove or criticize their "opponents'" beliefs, eg the whole God can't exist because babies die and puppies are brutalized argument.
Eventually though I realize these threads are far more about fundamentalist Christian beliefs (or those that come close) than the broader spectrum of belief in God/A Supreme Being/The Creator of All Things, and this makes me even less inclined to participate.
No offense intended to you or any of the other believers who regularly participate in these threads, but someday we may be joined by a Jesuit theologian and these threads may become interesting. Having said this, I don't think such a person is going to convince me or anyone else of anything on this subject but I'm assuming that they all have heard just about every standard argument made by atheists and have come up with some clever responses.