Catholic Encyclopedia admits they don't know where Hell is

Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2021 01:21 pm
farmerman wrote:

What's your excuse?

Riting with tears in my eyes from laughing at your inanities is my miner vice. i pity folks who ony can spella word one way.

As far s Mr Apisa hs been trying to hide his family name for years. I know his lasT NAME is a numerical substitution code constructed from the last 23 numbers of Pi. Hence, it comes out Apisa. try it if you can.

Damn. You coulda kept your mouth shut. Nobody ever suspected.

How the hell did you figure it out?
Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2021 06:31 pm
@Frank Apisa,
He's wickedly smart, that's how!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2021 06:59 am
@Frank Apisa,
Only because your warped brain cannot see something intelligent if it bit you on the nose. And intelligent things tend not to bite people on the nose.

Right, of course you do not know!

I'll do you one better.

Of course you do not know if something is NONEXISTENT but you can be reasonably certain if something is EXISTENT. But what about the Evil Genius theory (sometimes called the Evil Demon theory)? Suppose this is all an illusion. Well, the fact remains if we were to strip all of this away, we'd just have some sort of trickster and a person being tricked. That is, there is an advantage to something existing versus it not existing. Further, you can see, feel, and smell things that are real, barring the notion that reality is an illusion.

Therefore, if God is the creator of the universe, which the Bible canonically declares as self-explanatory since to create the universe, tou would have to be God, then by experiencing the universe, and the natural world, you have a pretty good proof for God. Go get friendly with trees and get some poison ivy, and you'll know God exists. You'll also know he has a warped sense of humor for inventing poison ivy.

I have a theory, which I will henceforth call the Las Vegas theory. It goes like this. In Las Vegas, most of the casinos seem to have no windows. It like, they want you to be lost so you'll go in and gamble, and the surest way to make you lose your bearing is to cut you off from the outside world. Likewise, people living in big cities have a sort of tunnel vision where they think they are better educated than Those People (ummmm you can commute to a good college) who they imagine have buckteeth and look like those from Deliverance, and they think because they have big shopd that nothing much happens in small towns so they're deprived (ummmm again, we have Amazon and a number of mail order systems, there is no reason to ever go to the cramped polluted city in order to shop, but if so we can do all our business in a day trip). On the other hand, people in cities are statistically higher likelihood of being more atheist. Why is this? Well, they'll tell you it has to do with their "education" but frankly I not only regard them as brainwashed but also not smart enough to get away from places that are giving them a number of medical and spiritual disorders. Education isn't what it's cracked up to be if it doesn't allow us to question what we've been taught. But more importantly, like that box where you can only see roulette or slots or flickering lights, the inside of the city cuts you off from most of the chirping of birds, the bleating of goats, and the "quiet" chirping of cicadas. They only see inside, where all around them is human greed and evil. Where politicians have made laws, and these laws actually have to be followed. Does a guy on a subsistence farm 1000 miles from anyone have to wear a COVID mask? Not on your life! What other people want has nothing to do with him, he grows his crops, you can masturbate outside for all anyone cares. Meanwhile, people living in the city only see the worst of humanity, and the Accuser is able to work on them, undermining their faifh in God and other humans. They see a funhouse version of reality where everyone is hunched over. They don't see outside the four walls of the prison built for their mind.

But I have successfully escaped my mind. Ahahahahaha!!! (Runs away like a madman)

Yeah yeah, that's not your real name. Everyone online is a girl pretending to be a guy or a guy pretending to be a girl, or a musical instrument pretending to be a real boy. Just as Farmerman isn't a real superhero. After all, if we haven't seen it personally, it must not be real.
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2021 07:20 am
Only someone as intelligent as you would know the last numbers of pi.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2021 08:54 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Only because your warped brain cannot see something intelligent if it bit you on the nose. And intelligent things tend not to bite people on the nose.

Right, of course you do not know!

I'll do you one better.

Of course you do not know if something is NONEXISTENT but you can be reasonably certain if something is EXISTENT. But what about the Evil Genius theory (sometimes called the Evil Demon theory)? Suppose this is all an illusion. Well, the fact remains if we were to strip all of this away, we'd just have some sort of trickster and a person being tricked. That is, there is an advantage to something existing versus it not existing. Further, you can see, feel, and smell things that are real, barring the notion that reality is an illusion.

Therefore, if God is the creator of the universe, which the Bible canonically declares as self-explanatory since to create the universe, tou would have to be God, then by experiencing the universe, and the natural world, you have a pretty good proof for God. Go get friendly with trees and get some poison ivy, and you'll know God exists. You'll also know he has a warped sense of humor for inventing poison ivy.

So you are saying that because things exist...there has to be a god.

Imagine that. The finest minds that have ever existed on planet Earth throughout its history have grappled with this problem and come up short...and here you, in an obscure Internet forum, have come up with an explanation/solution...just like that.

You would not recognize logic if it bit you on the ass, Bulma...and logic tends not to bite anyone on the ass.

That opening salvo was pathetic.

I have a theory, which I will henceforth call the Las Vegas theory. It goes like this. In Las Vegas, most of the casinos seem to have no windows. It like, they want you to be lost so you'll go in and gamble, and the surest way to make you lose your bearing is to cut you off from the outside world.

It is not "like that"...IT IS THAT. They tell you so. It is not open to speculation...the casino owners actually tell you they do not want you tied to the day/night continuum. They want you to keep gambling and not be distracted by a great day on the outside.

Likewise, people living in big cities have a sort of tunnel vision where they think they are better educated than Those People (ummmm you can commute to a good college) who they imagine have buckteeth and look like those from Deliverance, and they think because they have big shopd that nothing much happens in small towns so they're deprived (ummmm again, we have Amazon and a number of mail order systems, there is no reason to ever go to the cramped polluted city in order to shop, but if so we can do all our business in a day trip).


Holy ****. You people have Amazon?

On the other hand, people in cities are statistically higher likelihood of being more atheist. Why is this? Well, they'll tell you it has to do with their "education" but frankly I not only regard them as brainwashed but also not smart enough to get away from places that are giving them a number of medical and spiritual disorders.

Oh...so that is what you regard.

Wow. I'll bet the other kids at school think you are really cool for "regarding" that way.

Education isn't what it's cracked up to be if it doesn't allow us to question what we've been taught. But more importantly, like that box where you can only see roulette or slots or flickering lights, the inside of the city cuts you off from most of the chirping of birds, the bleating of goats, and the "quiet" chirping of cicadas. They only see inside, where all around them is human greed and evil.

You do have a very low opinion of people who lives in cities, don't you.

So...all people "on the inside" can see is human greed and evil...while you more fortunate people can hear the chirping of birds, the bleating of goats, and the quiet chirping of cicadas. (Bad form to use "chirping twice in one short paragraph. You gotta work on that.)

Gosh...it must be wonderful to be you...and as in love with yourself as you.

Where politicians have made laws, and these laws actually have to be followed.

Aha...and you would rather live where politicians make laws...and the people do not actually have to follow them.

I see.

Does a guy on a subsistence farm 1000 miles from anyone have to wear a COVID mask? Not on your life! What other people want has nothing to do with him, he grows his crops, you can masturbate outside for all anyone cares. Meanwhile, people living in the city only see the worst of humanity, and the Accuser is able to work on them, undermining their faifh in God and other humans. They see a funhouse version of reality where everyone is hunched over. They don't see outside the four walls of the prison built for their mind.

Wow...living in a city is like being in a prison.

Who woulda thunk it.

But I have successfully escaped my mind. Ahahahahaha!!! (Runs away like a madman)


Yeah yeah, that's not your real name. Everyone online is a girl pretending to be a guy or a guy pretending to be a girl, or a musical instrument pretending to be a real boy. Just as Farmerman isn't a real superhero. After all, if we haven't seen it personally, it must not be real.

So...you know Frank Apisa is not my real name...sorta like you know there is a god.

Earlier, Bulma, I mentioned that your opening salvo was pathetic. But after reading the rest of the tripe you offered, I realize that the opening salvo, despite being pathetic, was much better than what followed.

You've got problems.

I hope you see to them.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2021 02:42 pm
It goes like this. In Las Vegas, most of the casinos seem to have no windows. It like, they want you to be lost so you'll go in and gamble, a
That goes for Fundamental Xtian cults, like the Witnesses or MAry Eddy;s posse (forgot what they call themselves) I think thy dont want you to see the outside world. Wit around, talk in tongues, piss off rattlesnakes and make up stupid brain dead **** about science and enginering and medicine.

Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2021 10:43 pm
No, no, it doesn't.

You see, all except those who literally pulled their kids out of school because "school is from the devil", most of us went to elementary school, then high school, then college, where they learned science and math. Where we got around people who potentially even hate the church, whether teachers or fellow students. They developed their faith on Sunday, and got to endure the world trying to convert them the other five or six days.

So while urban atheists appear to have extreme tunnel vision, most theists know more than they'd like about these folk, after having more of their childhood and adult life actively either being indoctrinated or later attacked by these small-minded "enlightened" people.

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

The people who are lost operate under a filter. A delusion. Everything they see and hear is potentially false (or at least carefully controlled). Here's an example. You think you're eating a blueberry muffin, right?


Not so fast.


The ingredient list on some breakfast treats reveals that these "blueberries" are in fact just sugar, corn syrup and food coloring clumped into berry-sized bits.

If you can't even trust your food, how real can you be sure your reality is? Don't perish, love the truth and be saved. Eat real blueberries!
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2021 06:03 am
Hell is here on earth. Living in sin is the entrance to hell. Jesus died to deliver us from hell and He will remake this earth - then death and hell will be no more for death and hell are cast into the lake of fire. Men are moved by Satan against God and the earth will move from them. But God will utter His voice and the elements will melt with heat starting the lake of fire that will save the righteous from the wicked who will not want to live in the presence of God.
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2021 06:42 am
That's just a fairy tale. You have no evidence at all that God, Jesus, Satan existed or exist. It's not even as good as an Aesop fairy tale. You believe on faith alone.
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2021 09:41 am
yeah mamie. they actually belive that if someone said it and it got added to the texts, thats evidence.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2021 09:43 am
No, no, it doesn't
post something that makes what you say even half truth???
Reply Sat 9 Oct, 2021 03:26 pm
I already showed you. You ignored it, this is the truth.

You are so far into illusion land that you think what is true is false and what is false is true.

I imagine if I showed you proof that the current government you live in is brutalizing people, even if it happened a block from you, you would say fake news. And if even though something completely fails basic logic is shown to you, you would say it's "science" because people in white lab coats showed it to you. Pavlov called this conditioning, and showed how dogs would salivate even when there is no food.

Will you also salivate while I tell you that your government has stopped giving you anything of worth, because they tell you "din din"? Because they hand out free money, will you ignore the inflation making it worth less?

How about I give you homework. Think of a theory that you believe or disbelieve. I'll give you examples:
* Racism
* Socialism
* Climate change
* The idea of life after death

You've already got set opinions. Now I want you to read something directly contradicting those. For racism, I'd say A Dream Deferred: The Second Betrayal of Black Freedom in America by Shelby Steele. Socialism, go read the Black Book of Communism. Climate change? Oh I dunno, The Emperor's New Climate. And while you're at it, Life After Death by Deepak Chopra.

Now it's tempting to read this and be like "Yeah whatever, this is bullshit." I want you to instead monitor how quickly this voice appears. This voice is called cognitive dissonance, and it's what happens when years of teachers telling you "This is how things are" brushes up against contrary facts. Most liberals I know try to censor the hell out of contrary facts, because deep down it makes them very uncomfortable. Instead, you need to question, including your tendency not to question.

I'll know when you haven't done your homework. Unless you examine things that are false, you cannot decide for yourself what is really true.
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