Catholic Encyclopedia admits they don't know where Hell is

Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2021 05:15 am
The Abrahamic religions came outof the desert, so Hell is a hot place.

In Norse mythology Hell is very cold.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2021 06:21 am
Gehenna is not really Hell.

It's more of a hell on Earth, used as an illustration of the end result of sin. Gehenna in fact was produced by abortion. It was an ecological disaster of its age, which was finally cleaned up. You see, there's a reason why Hell is depicted as fire. The Jews understood this concept. This was where children were burned at altars to other gods who demanded child sacrifice by fire. This is what "You shall not sacrifice a child to Molech" means, they are put in a furnace. Bodies left were tossed on a great smoking pile.

We think this sort of thing doesn't happen anymore, but somewhere out there are abortion clinics and their dumped bodies. Or rather, they are probably put in boxes for medical waste, similar to this one.
Anything to avoid thinking about it. Guess how they dispose of medical waste? The burn it. Molech is alive and well in the abortion industry.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2021 06:55 am
@The Anointed,
Gehenna =Hell.

In rabbinic literature and Christian and Islamic scripture, Gehenna is a destination of the wicked. It was the garbage dump for Jerusalem. Located outside the city walls, people brought their garbage to Gehenna and burned it.

Gehenna was also the valley in which the Israelites, which included the Judean king Ahaz, sent their sons to the flames as a human sacrifice to the gods ‘Molech and Baal.

The Valley of Hinnom, named Gehenna in Greek, lies just outside the city walls of Jerusalem. It was the city’s garbage burner and its fires were kept continually burning (an everlasting lake of fire!)

To fully consume everything that was dumped there, Brimstone, which is in fact blocks of Sulfur were added to the dump to fuel the everlasting fire burning with sulfur, in which the rubbish of Jerusalem was destroyed.

Gehenna is interpreted to mean hell, and is erroneously also applied to hades, the dwelling place of the facsimilia’s, or shadows of the dead.

In scripture, the eternal lake burning with fire and sulfur is the place where the unrepentant wicked disembodied minds are sent for their second and final everlasting death.

No eternal suffering, only the eternal punishment, which is eternal death from which there is no return.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2021 07:09 am
@The Anointed,
There are differences between two conceptions of Gehenna in the New Testament: one conception underlies the account in Matthew's Gospel, the other that in Luke's Gospel. In Matthew, Gehenna appears as a place of punishment after the end of the world, which affects body and soul at the same time; in Luke, a punishment of the soul is thought of immediately after death.
Accordingly, the two different concepts known from rabbinic literature are also found in the New Testament.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2021 10:14 am
I love when religion battles religion. In my opinion, religion is a significant net negative for humanity rather than a positive...so anything that helps limit its impact on humanity is, as Martha Stewart might say, "a good thing."

The religious combatants do a better job of trashing religion than the non-religious do...so I guess we should thank them for the hatred and contempt they show (hidden or overtly) for each other.

My personal thanks to those doing that here.
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2021 12:16 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Religion is the Devil's best invention.
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2021 04:34 pm
Amen to that. Hell is presently here on Earth.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2021 05:16 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Both Matthew 25: 41; and Revelation 21: 5-8; portray Gehenna as a place of punishment after the end of the world, and that punishment is the death of the unrepentant wicked mind that had survived the first death of the body. Those minds are cast back into the refining fires of physical life once again in the endless cycle of rebirths or reincarnations. This is the 'SECOND DEATH' from which there is no return for those wicked minds that are divided from the immortal soul, which, mindless soul is then given a new body in which to develop a new mind.

To inherit everlasting life said Jesus, You must love God with all your body and with all your mind and with all your soul, and love your neighbour as yourself, for the entire law is fulfilled in those two commands.
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2021 06:39 pm
@The Anointed,
How can you believe any of this ****? It's all written by human beings. And all for a purpose. There is no God. It's all a control thing.
The Anointed
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2021 07:54 pm
And you are entitled to your atheistic beliefs Mame, but that doesn't stop me from proclaiming the truth as revealed in the Holy Scriptures.

May our God preserve you Mame.
Reply Sun 3 Oct, 2021 06:07 am
No, it's not.

The churches and temples are a control thing. There is a God. Read the Old Testament but skip the law part. In fact, read only the parts that involve actual people.

You'll find that this is a story of a relationship. You can do perfectly well skipping church, and focusing on that. But then I found I was lonely. So I went to church but mostly igbored the minister. The minister btw is often a paid shill for the state.

Read the book Why Priests? A Failed Tradition. It talks about how the church has failed the people with its leadership. But this is not true of God. How do I know this? Okay, ask yourself several questions.
1. Why am I here? As simple as this question sounds, the atheist and nihilist have no purpose at all for life. In fact, the whole of science cannot provide any dimple answer just "how am I here? " It can tell us the long string of geological and cosmic events that caused a planet fit for producing life. But it's kinda funny to think that all of that happened on its own without life being planned as an end result. In fact, it really doesn't make any sense. The secular science is also a control system, btw. I say secular science because there are scientific types that nonetheless quietly believe in their faith. It tells you that you are an insignificant speck in a universe much bigger than you, and which doesn't care about you. This so called universe went and created someone like you from countless generations of evolution, but the abuser, I mean the scientist tells us how we are worthless.
2. Why has every civilized culture worshipped something? The ancient people worshipped the natural world, Egyptians and Romans worshipped gods, Jews and Christians worshipped God, and so on. You can say that it's a state thing, but that brings us to the next question.
3. Would you die for your faith? Early church did not believe in Hell. This is a control thing. Yet against their own government, they were willing to die for what they believed in. They obeyed the laws until the laws decided to do away with them for no good reason. If religion is really a state control thing, why do people in the past resist their governments, knowing full well that it will bring death on their own heads?
4. Who is Jesus? That seems like a messed up question if you already don't believe in God. But consider this. You say religion is a control thing. But this man came at a time where secular Roman state enacted high taxes and interference in people's lives. Every government without religion (Nazi Germany, Communist Russia and China, etc) starts to self destruct. When the majority of people think they can deal with problems by killing them, they elect leaders who do just that. And this was what was happening, Rome was a system that killed people for money. This was also a time when the religion of the day was crazed, giving laws that had nothing to do with actual goodness, and everything to do with following stupid rules. Jesus heals on the Sabbath, he doesn't wash his hands, he eats and talks with Those People. He cares about actual goodness and making people feel welcome. What is the purpose of this man, who is willing to give everything so that people have a better life?
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 3 Oct, 2021 06:11 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

No, it's not.

The churches and temples are a control thing. There is a God. Read the Old Testament but skip the law part. In fact, read only the parts that involve actual people.

You'll find that this is a story of a relationship. You can do perfectly well skipping church, and focusing on that. But then I found I was lonely. So I went to church but mostly igbored the minister. The minister btw is often a paid shill for the state.

Read the book Why Priests? A Failed Tradition. It talks about how the church has failed the people with its leadership. But this is not true of God. How do I know this? Okay, ask yourself several questions.
1. Why am I here? As simple as this question sounds, the atheist and nihilist have no purpose at all for life. In fact, the whole of science cannot provide any dimple answer just "how am I here? " It can tell us the long string of geological and cosmic events that caused a planet fit for producing life. But it's kinda funny to think that all of that happened on its own without life being planned as an end result. In fact, it really doesn't make any sense. The secular science is also a control system, btw. I say secular science because there are scientific types that nonetheless quietly believe in their faith. It tells you that you are an insignificant speck in a universe much bigger than you, and which doesn't care about you. This so called universe went and created someone like you from countless generations of evolution, but the abuser, I mean the scientist tells us how we are worthless.
2. Why has every civilized culture worshipped something? The ancient people worshipped the natural world, Egyptians and Romans worshipped gods, Jews and Christians worshipped God, and so on. You can say that it's a state thing, but that brings us to the next question.
3. Would you die for your faith? Early church did not believe in Hell. This is a control thing. Yet against their own government, they were willing to die for what they believed in. They obeyed the laws until the laws decided to do away with them for no good reason. If religion is really a state control thing, why do people in the past resist their governments, knowing full well that it will bring death on their own heads?
4. Who is Jesus? That seems like a messed up question if you already don't believe in God. But consider this. You say religion is a control thing. But this man came at a time where secular Roman state enacted high taxes and interference in people's lives. Every government without religion (Nazi Germany, Communist Russia and China, etc) starts to self destruct. When the majority of people think they can deal with problems by killing them, they elect leaders who do just that. And this was what was happening, Rome was a system that killed people for money. This was also a time when the religion of the day was crazed, giving laws that had nothing to do with actual goodness, and everything to do with following stupid rules. Jesus heals on the Sabbath, he doesn't wash his hands, he eats and talks with Those People. He cares about actual goodness and making people feel welcome. What is the purpose of this man, who is willing to give everything so that people have a better life?

You do not KNOW there is a god...you are just blindly guessing that there is one.

But please do continue to hate on other religions. You religious people do a much better job of showing the absurdity of religion...than do those of us outside of religion.

I thank you for that.
Reply Sun 3 Oct, 2021 06:21 am
@Frank Apisa,
There is a God. Read the Old Testament but skip the law part. In fact, read only the parts that involve actual people.
. This is hi proof??
Ally Oop also exists, th funnis prove it, You cake that **** up. COULD YOU?

buncha morons
Reply Sun 3 Oct, 2021 06:24 am
@The Anointed,

And you are entitled to your atheistic beliefs Mame, but that doesn't stop me from proclaiming the truth as revealed in the Holy Scriptures
Like reading a food label, Thres nothing there that isnt a fact eh?

I got some swamp land for sale in New Jersey loaded with delicious Amanita mushrooms.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 3 Oct, 2021 06:31 am
farmerman wrote:

I got some swamp land for sale in New Jersey loaded with delicious Amanita mushrooms.
That's near Exit 4?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 3 Oct, 2021 06:32 am
farmerman wrote:

There is a God. Read the Old Testament but skip the law part. In fact, read only the parts that involve actual people.
. This is hi proof??
Ally Oop also exists, th funnis prove it, You cake that **** up. COULD YOU?

buncha morons

It is amazing, isn't!

Gonna be interested in Bulma's reply.
Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2021 07:18 am
Cake? Hi?

Did you even bother to spellcheck your own writing?

I mean, I am also typing on a Kindle, but when you mistake "make" for "cake", it feels like you don't even care.

Unless cake is one of those newfangled terms you young people use.

To be fair, I wrote this half awake, and an hour before church. What's your excuse?
Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2021 07:52 am
@Frank Apisa,
What for?

You should actually read the Bible sometime. It talks in several passages about those who see themselves as clever, but are actually quite foolish.

Oooh, how's Bulma gonna get out of THIS argument? This thing that wasn't even properly spellchecked? Smug people who see themselves as somehow checkmating me, by writing a half-baked response.

My point was that the core bit about the Bible was not its rules but about several generations of people in relationship to God.
It seems his point is "Yeah, well some character is written about in the comics, and he's fake so..." This is barely sentient, and I'd be tempted not to dignify it with a response, but then you'd accuse me of not answering .

Do you know for a fact this character is nonexistent? There is a theory called the multiverse theory that goes that writers often channel parallel universes ( or future events). Even if we are saying that in no universe does Alley Oop exist, it is nonetheless a basketball term, and the name of a song in the fifties and sixties. Unless you can tell me, "What makes someone real?" I'm afraid we're already done here. Alley Oop is more real than either of you. There's no farmerman outside this forum, and Frank Apisa is obviously a pseudonym.
But even that is not relevant. You see, there's some idea that Jesus must be a historical figure. Ironically, Jesus has more historicity than Muhammad (only mentioned in the Quran until he was written in as part of history by Muslim historians; Jesus is mentioned extensively by his enemies). But the historical Jesus isn't the point. There are actually several other classes of character besides historical figure. There is allegorical figure (the person, is not a person but a symbol for some other concept; Jesus could fit here as he is a sort of God's response to Isaac), folk hero (the Chinese have several legendary characters who taught them various things, kinda like that; curiously Jesus doesn't fit here because he is not a matter of Jewish pride, but Muhammad does), or actual deity (there are legit unexplained things in this world, and one of them is people who seem to be something other than human). The official church stance is that Jesus is fully human (an actual historical figure) and fully divine (also a symbol for God's love and actually God in the flesh died for our sins). Jesus is the answer to "Well if God would just come in person and talk to me, then I'd believe." But he has, and you still don't believe. Not only that, most Christians today that are committed probably can tell you a story of a time when they met someone who reminded them of Jesus.

( "Historical figure")

But that wasn't even my origin point. You guys didn't even read my post, you just filtered what you wanted to hear out of it. So why should I even bother giving an intelligent answer to a stupid argument? But I did anyway.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2021 11:49 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

What for?

You should actually read the Bible sometime. It talks in several passages about those who see themselves as clever, but are actually quite foolish.

Oooh, how's Bulma gonna get out of THIS argument? This thing that wasn't even properly spellchecked? Smug people who see themselves as somehow checkmating me, by writing a half-baked response.

My point was that the core bit about the Bible was not its rules but about several generations of people in relationship to God.
It seems his point is "Yeah, well some character is written about in the comics, and he's fake so..." This is barely sentient, and I'd be tempted not to dignify it with a response, but then you'd accuse me of not answering .

Do you know for a fact this character is nonexistent? There is a theory called the multiverse theory that goes that writers often channel parallel universes ( or future events). Even if we are saying that in no universe does Alley Oop exist, it is nonetheless a basketball term, and the name of a song in the fifties and sixties. Unless you can tell me, "What makes someone real?" I'm afraid we're already done here. Alley Oop is more real than either of you. There's no farmerman outside this forum, and Frank Apisa is obviously a pseudonym.
But even that is not relevant. You see, there's some idea that Jesus must be a historical figure. Ironically, Jesus has more historicity than Muhammad (only mentioned in the Quran until he was written in as part of history by Muslim historians; Jesus is mentioned extensively by his enemies). But the historical Jesus isn't the point. There are actually several other classes of character besides historical figure. There is allegorical figure (the person, is not a person but a symbol for some other concept; Jesus could fit here as he is a sort of God's response to Isaac), folk hero (the Chinese have several legendary characters who taught them various things, kinda like that; curiously Jesus doesn't fit here because he is not a matter of Jewish pride, but Muhammad does), or actual deity (there are legit unexplained things in this world, and one of them is people who seem to be something other than human). The official church stance is that Jesus is fully human (an actual historical figure) and fully divine (also a symbol for God's love and actually God in the flesh died for our sins). Jesus is the answer to "Well if God would just come in person and talk to me, then I'd believe." But he has, and you still don't believe. Not only that, most Christians today that are committed probably can tell you a story of a time when they met someone who reminded them of Jesus.

( "Historical figure")

But that wasn't even my origin point. You guys didn't even read my post, you just filtered what you wanted to hear out of it. So why should I even bother giving an intelligent answer to a stupid argument? But I did anyway.

Bulma, I've never seen you give an intelligent response to anything.

Anyway...you wrote:

Do you know for a fact this character is nonexistent?

If by "this character" you mean the god you speak of...


What the hell is the matter with you.

I have mentioned that I do not know dozens of times already.

Your god MAY exist. Your blind guess may be correct. Any blind guess MAY be correct.

You also wrote:

Frank Apisa is obviously a pseudonym.

It is not a pseudonym...it is my name, the name on my birth certificate.

MANY of the people here in this forum know me personally. I've broken bread with them...had a drink or two with them.

Get your **** together...and untwist your undies.
Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2021 01:12 pm
What's your excuse?

Riting with tears in my eyes from laughing at your inanities is my miner vice. i pity folks who ony can spella word one way.

As far s Mr Apisa hs been trying to hide his family name for years. I know his lasT NAME is a numerical substitution code constructed from the last 23 numbers of Pi. Hence, it comes out Apisa. try it if you can.

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