Gay porn cache reportedly found at Catholic seminary
"An investigation is under way in Austria after media reports of sexual misconduct at a Roman Catholic seminary at St Poelten, west of Vienna. According to the reports, priests were photographed fondling and kissing trainee priests and pornographic images were found on the seminary computers. The school director and his deputy have resigned. The Austrian Bishops' Conference has promised a full and swift internal investigation. 'Anything that has to do with the practice of homosexuality or pornography has no place at a seminary for priests,' it said. Austrian news magazine Profil published the pictures of the alleged abuse at St Poelten, about 80km (50 miles) west of the capital, Vienna. It also reported that a police investigation had uncovered as many as 40,000 images and videos - some allegedly including child pornography - on computers at the seminary... Bishop Kurt Krenn, who is in charge of the St Poelten diocese, has dismissed the pictures as 'childish pranks