The Farmer's Wife syndrome. She cuts off their tales with a carving knife.
Letty wrote:Then there is the Setantasyndrome. You get Ulsters every time you eat a shamrock.
What the hell's a shamrock? A rock that tries to sell you a bridge? Hee hee!
Hey, bailey. Your damn London bridge is languishing somewhere in America.
bailiwick---a place where the Irish go to light a candle at both ends...only redeemable through redemption of coupons at Wall Mart.
Oh my word! You all are hysterically gifted! I shall have to sit in my corner and think, think, think to come up with anything good...
There's got to be a good Winnie the Pooh reference in there somewhere!
What about the Eeyore Gloom? The Tigger Mania? The Kanga Empty Pouch?
There ya go!
How about Pooh Syndrome: The belief that although one is reasonably intelligent that they are not so at all.
Or Piglet...no, that's agoraphobia: fear of everything!
Hee Hee! Great, Dev.
The Delsey syndrome. There's a definite difference in Devie; your family will know right away. On the road to recovery along with Willie and pooh.
and let's not forget the "Able 2 Know" syndrome:
the belief that if you stay up all night typing utter nonsense on your computer, that you actually have a 'life'!
[i wonder if it's 'curable'?]
ahhhhhh, Bo. We're gots life and we gots mission...On the road to safe perdition.
thats gotta be a syndrome of some sort!
Perhaps the Harry Potter/Winning the Lottery syndrome
One minute stuck in an understairs cupboard and then, before you can shake a broomstick, flying high!
hee-hee! Good one, Tarah! And, Welcome!!
The BOOM syndrome: Always buying a flat next to a construction site, and leaving it to collect dust until the constructors accidentlily knock it out!
That happened to me uncle.
The Straight Line Syndrome
That's knowing whichever line you wait in, the other line moves faster - until you change lines and then it dramatically stops!
Then there is the law of diminishing returns; where no matter how many crumbs you drop when you go out wandering, you can never find your way home.
The 'elsewhere syndrome'!