Mon 13 Jul, 2015 07:30 pm
I've found out many expressions related to asking for a day leave, but not quite sure which is right. To make it easy, I numbered each. So please tell me which is acceptable and if possible in which situation.
1. take a leave
2. want a day off
3. ask for one day leave
4. take Friday off
5. a half day leave
6. have a day off on Sept 11
If I want to talk to A about B's absent, which should I use?
If I want to lable the attendance sheet, how should I write?
If there are any other exceptions or typical usages, please tell me here. I really appreciate your help.
A "leave" usually means an extended amount of time.
When someone asks to not work for a short time or a day or two, use "takes off."
He took off Wednesday and Thursday.
He asked for two days off.
He will be off next week.
He is off today.