Welcome to A2K, lilly!
Have you checked his breath? How's that?
Is the smell only from his bottom & his poo?
Have you tried a good quality dried cat food, like Iams? Raw food? Do they make any difference?
Its not his breath its the other end.
Its not all the time, His Poo smells really really bad and i think the other times must be when he passes wind or something.
He was on Iams, i live in Australia so I feed him Science Diet (dont know if you have that overseas) but its the best cat food you can get here.
he doesnt drink milk often... and if he does its the special kind for cats. I have tried different brands of food and it doesnt seem to make a difference.
Apart from that he is really really healthy, he never sneezes, his eyes are bright and clear he is a good looking cat.
I just dont get it.
Neither do I, lilly. It sounds like you're doing all the right things! Er, you sure this isn't just "boy cat" smells? Or the AMOUNT he's eating, or something basic like that?
(psst BTW, I'm from Melbourne!
That i was thinking, he is a typical boy too.
Just thought i would post it here and see if i woud recive any new ideas.
I like Bill's suggestion, maybe he is just a stinky breed.
He doesnt eat too much either, and he will eat a little bit of his food then run around and then go eat some more
I dont feed him much, so i dont he is an over eater...
lilly_456 wrote:Its not his breath its the other end.
Its not all the time, His Poo smells really really bad and i think the other times must be when he passes wind or something.
He was on Iams, i live in Australia so I feed him Science Diet (dont know if you have that overseas) but its the best cat food you can get here.
he doesnt drink milk often... and if he does its the special kind for cats. I have tried different brands of food and it doesnt seem to make a difference.
Apart from that he is really really healthy, he never sneezes, his eyes are bright and clear he is a good looking cat.
I just dont get it.
Sounds like a gastrointestinal problem.
he might be allergic to animal protein. Some dogs are.
A final suggestion. Perhaps the kitten is dead. Dead kittens smell really bad. Check for signs of life.
NickFun wrote:A final suggestion. Perhaps the kitten is dead. Dead kittens smell really bad. Check for signs of life.
I know he isnt dead, when he chews my toes in the morning...
NickFun wrote:A final suggestion. Perhaps the kitten is dead. Dead kittens smell really bad. Check for signs of life.
Really helpful, Nick! Not funny.
It may be that he cannot tolerate milk, in any form. Try just leaving him water for a while, and see how he goes. ??worming??
Yes, I was thinking that, too, margo. Eliminate the milk for a while, lilly & see what happens.
margo wrote:MsOlga is the font of all cat-knowledge in OZ!
Second only to ms margo in Sydney!
Well, there was Moggy on Abuzz, not to mention CD with Mable. Somebody run out and get CD over here.
I've checked out the most recent two pages twice this month, msolga, and didn't see her. That sure doesn't prove she isn't active. She used to pop up on ravensrealm, if you recall.
Yes, Roger. We exchanged emails for a while, too. I wonder how Mabel's going?
You've got her address? Get to inviting!
<sigh> I HAD her address, roger, before my computer crashed!
I think she had a Yahoo address.