Oh, how sad :-( I know you had another spider friend there way back when and I was just wondering if it was the same one.
I know, dag, and what a ride she had!
Same one, Montana. This is an old topic that got revived when a spider with credit cards in posession was observed leaving the country.
Roger! I'm so glad to see this thread again. Now I can't stop thinking of Princess with credit cards cavorting all over the world finding spider clinics for longevity. Maybe she's even had some nips and tucks. Perhaps there will be a new reality show about celebrity spiders and their beauty secrets.
I'll bet she thinks of you fondly as she moves about in the highest circles of spiderdom.
There is a report of a spider in the lair of Osama Bin Laden. It's possible that your spider has been recruited by the US Government to infitrate the highest levels of Al Queda. After all, who's going to suspect a spider?
heey, good to see you Nickfun - you've been scarce for a while, yes? Or is me who's been scarce?