Thu 1 Jul, 2004 05:37 pm
Did the Iraq War Actually Have the Effect of Potentially Increasing the Numbers of Radical Islam Worldwide?
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Next question.
Indeed it did. Terrorist were a pretty small faction before the war. Now they have grown in numbers. It's like when Disney pulled out of Micahel Moores film thus giving it greater publicity and making the guy filthy rich. As extra medium said...
Yes, the potential for increased support for radical Islamic terrorism probably was increased somewhat. Is the terrorist threat greater today as a result of the Iraq campaign, nope.
There has been a strong anti-western bias in Southwestern Asia since the Persian Wars, and that was long before Islam arrived on the scene. Early Islam was spread by the sword and it strongly threatened the West. Spain was conquered and remained Islamic until the 15th century, and Islamic expansion was turned back at the gates of Vienna. To be fair about it, as the Byzantine Empire crumbled before militant Islam it called for Western Christiandom for relief and the Crusades were born. Not a pretty sight no matter one's viewpoint.
Much of Southwest Asia were allies to the Germans during both World Wars of the 20th century, and hence were losers. They didn't much like them apples. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was just as anti-semitic as Himmler and Heydrich. At the conclusion of WWII the world supported the creation of a Jewish State in conformance with the Balfour Agreement that had been struck during wwi. Palestine at that time was regarded as worthless desert, and many predicted that just trying to live in Palestine would accomplish what Hitler had failed. Much of the land settled by the Jews was purchased at outrageous prices from Arab landowners who fully expected to kill the new settlers and reclaim the land. Arab neighbors launched a series of wars against Israel with the avowed purpose of wiping out the Jews to the last soul. They failed miserably every time, and it really hurt their pride to be beaten by the Jews. When direct military action failed, the Arab community turned to terrorism. Civilians were murdered from ambush, and bombed on the streets of their cities.
But that terrorism doesn't count, does it. after all, it was just Arabs against Jews far away and of little consequence to a Parisian, or Londoner, or New Yorker. More than half of the population of Jordan claims to be Palestinian and devoted to the destruction of Israel and anyone who supports it. Syria, ruled by the Ba'athist Party, is far more rabid and vocal in it's dedication to destroying Israel. The government of Egypt is regarded by many in the Arab world as traitors ... because they reached an accommodation with Israel. Saudi Arabia may talk the talk, but the government relies upon cash for oil from the Western world that supports Israel.
Many in the Islamic World firmly believe that they are the chosen of God, and that everyone else is a pagan. All rewards are for destruction of those who are not Muslim. Anyone who fails to live according to their ideas of what is right and wrong formed in the 8th century, are merely targets for forcible conversion or death. Think of how many of those stout believers must feel knowing that their "superior" civilization has been defeated again and again by the materialistic Western World. How humiliating that their sons, daughters and wives yearn for the culture they see depicted in the movies and in modern music. They are poor, while those they despise as servants of Evil get all the goodies. All they have left is their wounded pride, and a religion that never made the transition from the Middle Ages into the 21st century.
The hatred and terrorist actions directed toward the West has been increasing in intensity for over 20years, and there is no reason to believe that the trend would reverse itself if left alone. To meet force with force, to back up our words with action was long overdue. Those who thought of the United States as a paper tiger, unwilling to take any serious action for fear of war and bloodshed now have to think again. They still hope for victory, because they see and hear us flaying ourselves over the necessary blood shed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Actually, I've seen reports to affirm this as I've gathered data for my 'blog.
NeoGuin wrote:Actually, I've seen reports to affirm this as I've gathered data for my 'blog.
Would you happen to have any links to this data?
NeoGuin wrote:Actually, I've seen reports to affirm this as I've gathered data for my 'blog.
Would you happen to have any links to this data?