California has had several cases that have defined a faculty memeber's rights as well as a SChools rights under the net NEutrality principalwrt religious activities by faculty. So the requirements under a public institution of higher ed apparently are still covered under the 1st amendment and the Jeffersonian "wall of separation" is a[ppparently mentioned in several statutes.
IM sure the AAUP will be there because , in Pa, they came to Michael Behe's defense and Lehigh University treads water very lightly wrt his career reviews and his overall rights as a faculty in a PRIVATE institution (as Lehigh is).
I think ARmitage's condition i just such a possible challenge to "at will' firing" and, if he wins, it adds a hole new dimension to faculty freedoms wrt his primary responsibilities (And apparent skill set)
Thats why I dont think he will win because hes flaunting the Constitution and the Net Neutrality requirements f Calif Law.
His lawyeres job is to "pump up" his case for a possible jury trial. Thats his job, hes not required to practice under any requirements of the State or US Constitution. I just think that the youtube clip isnt going to help ARmitage because he seems to be admitting that he was NOT practicing religious neutrality and was somewhat dismissive of the establishment clause.
Since Armitage is a card carrying member of a "Scientific Creationism" sect and has used his bogus lab practice to pose his beliefs n a sort of classroom environment (sort of a peripatetic style).
Will he get away with it?
If it comes to court-he probably does hve a chance . If it somehow settles outside of court, he will become a statistic for the scool and a martyr for his CRI role.
Im tired of the feigned "sincerity" these CRI and Discovery Institute shock troops show to an increasingly ignorant public. ARmitage used his religious beliefs to present a non-scientifically based view of earth history to students . He did it in a fraudulent manner(and he lied about it in his video) and I hope his ass remains out of a public institution of higher learning.
Accreditation in the sciences would be meaningless if we now start teaching special aspects of the Linnaean system of classification to include space for Bigfoot or Unicorns. If the U is embarrased at how theyve treated him, they can always give him an adjunct position in the Anthropology department or Divinities programs (if there are such programs).
SCience is real science. Its goverened by very simple rules of development in a classroom environment.
ARmitage was caught sneaking the Creation "Science" viewpoint into the minds of students and he did it using bogus methods including bullshit chemistry , the results of which he tacked on to a methods paper that he had published in a juried journal.
You seem to think he did this honestly?
Youve still remained silent on the entire concept of the dates that were secured by K/Ar and K/Ar/Ca and U/Pb dating of the sediments that enclosed the Triceratops . Instead he chose to have C14 done and felt attacked when he was dismissed under what may become a big Constitutional case (he hopes)