Hi, MAP, glad to see you.
I've not bicycled it, but I know California pretty well. Your problem will be to get me to shut up about possible places to stop at for some reason.
I've lived in the San Diego area, the LA area, and up near the Oregon border in the Eureka/Arcata area. Have driven between those uncountable times, stayed many times with friends in the SFBay areas. I've particular drives I like - well, actually love - and will tell you about.
Give me/us more clues of your interests.
If I remember, you're kind of the opposite of a foodie, as in not that interested in food except as fuel. Has that changed, do you have any interest in either cafes or wineries? Sounds like you are more into restaurants now. I've a lot of opinions on those, not that you have to like what I like, but as a start for your googling.
Like or hate or are neutral about cities? small towns? I have batches of towns I have liked, on the smaller side.
Interested in building structures/architecture at all?
Want to completely avoid touristy places? OK with one or two?
Like the beauty of landscape or are bored by it?
Like or don't care about museums/galleries, etc.
I can't help about camping, though my ex bro in law and niece did a lot of that, usually his truck and their two bikes, and enjoyed it. If you get your route nailed down, then there will likely be plenty re camping sites online.
Oddities, oh, yeah. One or two of those I'd avoid...
Back later.