The only thing I know about this painting is that my father insists that it is an original, and has been in his wife's family for a long time. More than this neither of them know to tell me.
I asked 4chan, now 8chan, of all websites, a while ago, figuring the sheer number of people there, someone would have the know-how. All I got from them, considering the photo I gave them was worse than this by far, was that it looks to be french, and they said it's probably a 1600's-1800's work
But I still have no idea, and a better photo this time. I love this painting, it hangs directly above my bed and is the only painting I have of it's kind in my home. I wish so badly to know more about it, but I've not the knowledge or means to find out.
ANYTHING you can tell me would be appreciated.