Sun 20 Jun, 2004 05:40 pm
Ok, I was watching a stand-up show on HBO with Chris Rock, he made a very good point, how can Bush not like gay marriage because it's a scared bond between man and women, yet we have these shows "Who Wants to marry a millionaire" "The bachelor" "Who wants to marry a midget" "Joe millionaire". How can Bush deny gay marriage but NOT deny these shows?
He doesn't have
that kind of power!

Although he could speak out against them, if he so chose...
One primary factor is that Bush is a "bonehead". Boneheads do not have the intellectual capacity to understand human rights, common sense, etc. He approves of a war that will slaughter tens of thousands yet disapproves stem cell research that could save millions. Don't go looking for Bush to make sense. When he drives by just smile and wave.
the reincarnation of suzy wrote:He doesn't have
that kind of power!

That's because they haven't figure it out yet!
Quote:When he drives by just smile and wave.
I'll remove my glasses, so I won't see anything.
He is against it because the church is against it - he doesn't know any better, he does what he is told to do or he might get grounded.