Huh. Put in my paternal grandparents' family names. They spread in almost identical ways. One name's Scots, the other English, though, so that may not be a huge surprise.
I couldn't make anything I tried be anything BUT equally distributed. Maybe I should try Martinez, or Nilssen, or something.
I'll have to do the "all years" deal
Here is another non political thread worth reviving.
Guess it wasn't all that worth reviving after all.
A have a friend from New Brunswick (Acadie as the Francophones call it) named Boudreau. Spelled that way, the greatest concentration is in New England. Spell it "Boudreaux" and the greatest concentration is in Louisiana. That latter is an older spelling and was retained by the Acadien Boudreaux who were transported to Lousiana and became Cajuns.
My surname is pretty unique. I think there are 6 people in the US and one of them has my first name too. he sells LP's in Greenwhich Village.
My name shows up green in the Dakotas, Iowa, Wisconsin; light-blue in Idaho, Washington, Oregon.
Back in 1920 it was still only Wisconsin.
No mention of my mother's name though.
Only two of my relatives immigrated to the USA - and they had different names.
Both were Catholic priests without children :wink:
(In all the other parts of the world, just five persons carry my surname.)
I'm happy to report that they couldn't find my surname in their data base at all. Does that mean I don't exist?
My last name is SATO and it was found mostly in California in 1990.
satt-if it's not prying ...was your family part of the Nisei that were placed in internment camps in 1942?
satt_focusable wrote:My last name is SATO and it was found mostly in California in 1990.
and probably the most common name from Japan.
I got zilch, but I know that isn't true. I know at least of 3 or 4 Kusy's who are citizens and are out there in Denver and Michigan... And have been in 1990 when the latest data is from.
Apparently my surname (a rather common anglo surname) is most common in Mississippi (1990) and the south. But my paternal ancestors are from Indiana-DelMarVa-England.
i got mostly green all over the board... some orange and yellow in a couple of eastern states
Typed in my mums maiden name and there arn't any, absolutely none
My name is pretty popular in New England but nowhere else.
typed in my mothers maiden name and got zlich... zero... nada... big fat goose egg. I figured as much though...