nimh wrote:Oh, update: in Holland, the minimum wage is 7-8 Euro/hour (9$ at current exchange rate) - before taxes. (Minimum wage earners pay taxes too.)
So net it would probably be, I dunno - <guessing> - some 6 euro / 7-7,5 US$ an hour?
Actually, the minium wage in the Netherlands corresponds to age. The current minium wage in Euro's is shown in the following table: (before benefit payments and taxes)
At the age of 16 I worked at the local supermarket for about three Euro's an hour. More than the minium wage and just fine for me at that time.
My opinion about the minium wage is that it causes bad employees to hire illegal workers which will mean deteriorating working conditions for workers and less employment because of higher labour costs.
I agree with OCCOM BILL that the government could better provide medical insurance, food and shelter when needed which will still maintain the incentive to work for better living standards (get your own place, luxury goods, etc).