maxdancona wrote:What planet are you on?
The real one.
maxdancona wrote:When have the Israelis offered the 1967 borders?
Ehud Barak offered it back around 2000-2001. The Palestinians replied by massacring Israelis so severely that his government collapsed and the Left has not been back in power since.
Arial Sharon didn't offer it, but he would have pulled back unilaterally, letting the Palestinians have about 90% of 1967 borders. This plan was scrapped when the pullout from Gaza demonstrated that such a pullout would not lead to the hoped-for peace.
Ehud Olmert offered it. I forget the date but maybe sometime around 2007? The Palestinians stonewalled (which I guess is an improvement over them murdering children), and eventually Mr. Netanyahu was elected.
When Mr. Netanyahu took office, the Palestinians started trying to justify their stonewalling by saying they would only come and negotiate if Israel stopped settlement construction first. As a favor to Mr. Obama, Mr. Netanyahu halted settlement construction for 10 months. It is likely that, had the Palestinians come and negotiated, Mr. Netanyahu would also have offered them 1967 borders at this time. Sadly though, the Palestinians still refused to come and negotiate despite the halt to settlement construction.
Just recently, Secretary of State Kerry managed to get the peace talks restarted. That itself was a miracle, because the Palestinians and Europeans had just abrogated the Oslo Accords and destroyed the entire framework of the peace process. And somehow he also managed to get the Palestinians to show up at the negotiating table. All indications are that Mr. Netanyahu offered the Palestinians 1967 borders when he was at the negotiating table. Sadly though, the Palestinians responded to the offer by sending their demented supporters out to spout horrendous lies about Israel, and they once again refused to accept 1967 borders.
maxdancona wrote:People would be very happy if Israel actually made this offer.
Well then they are in luck. If they open their history books they can see a long series of Israeli leaders making that very offer in past years.
maxdancona wrote:The last Israeli leader who even suggested this got himself shot.
That is incorrect. There have been three who made the offer since then. Four if you also count Ariel Sharon's plan to unilaterally pull back to about 90% of 1967 borders.