I wasn't thinking about the terminology so much. I know that 'black holes' are incredibly massive and that it's assumed they are at the center of every galaxy among other places. Hmmm, a particle we don't even know.... so, what's a better word to use for 'black hole'?
k..not for nothing but, I think black hole is a good definition...perhaps its the dark matter we should be reconsidering...its better than unknown stuff though
There's a term I can't remember for the super massive thing that is "TheBlackHole". For some reason I keep thinking neutrino, but that's prolly because of the topic at hand.
Soz, you and E.G. both did good deeds tonight. Thanks!
neutron star perhaps? idunno
nice stars!!
cool event horizon... heehee
littlek wrote:Soz, you and E.G. both did good deeds tonight. Thanks!
Oh, goody! I was feeling a little inadequate. I think I know what you mean about theblackhole -- I'll ask.
I was under the understanding (and physics & astronomy are so not my bag, baby, though I did once stuff an entire astro textbook into my head in one night, ace the exam, and then proceed to forget 95% of it) that black holes didn't necessarily have to be supermassive. It's more and issue of density than mass per se, as though a neutron star had collapsed for some reason.
And black holes would be highly localized events. It was also my impression that "dark matter" was necessary because the gravitational effect was not local, but pervaded all observable space.
Sounds good to me pdog! At least that last part does.
Something to do about the value of gravitational constant not conforming to other formulae. Or something. We're only up to fluid dynamics in physics, and I doubt that astrophysics is even on the plate for us bunch of wannabe health care professionals and (gulp) dieticians.
(littlek, E.G.'s talk is tomorrow, and it will all be online, including maybe streaming video. He doesn't mind if I post the link, but if I do, there goes anonymity for me [pretty uncommon last name], so I'm planning on just sending you the link, if you're interested. And if others are interested, let me know.)
The talk is today, but the video won't be online for a few days. I'll let you know.
Ok, maybe it'll be online in the evening! Wishing EG good luck!
It's up! I'll PM you the link, but wanted to let others know, too, if they want it.
aha! It was cool, thanks Soz.