layman wrote:
I don't know why you would think that I would think that those two possibilities exhaust all possible scenarios
That said, to express utter astonishment, to the point of asking if it's a "joke, if someone aint some biology expert, does seem a little pompous and boorish to me.
I thought that because of the way you phrased it.
I did not express "utter astonishment" I asked if you were joking. I really didn't think that anyone would think clones would have the same fingerprints, or the exact same number of freckles in the exact spots, in the expact same size, etc. as that's like science fiction.
I'm no biology expert, don't know where you got that.
In any event, what did you think of the information I provided? Does it make sense now that clones wouldn't have the same fingerprints, and that clones appear naturally in nature all the time?