Whatever happened to the water-fueled engine?

Thu 17 May, 2007 02:43 pm
But have you ever tried it?

I've taken so many Chemistry and Physics classes and aces them. So let me hear your "simple Chemitry/Physics" explanation.

The law of conservation of energy is being misconstrued by the government. The usual argument of narrow minded people are that energy in equals energy out. The energy you put in splitting water is what energy you get.

My answer is : Can you explain to me then why you get a lot more energy when you split an atom? Do we burn as much oil or energy by mining for oil? Have you seen a natural mineral called calcium carbonate that when water is added, acethylene gas is produced? Very Happy

In water the potential energy in Hydrogen is stored. You only need a little current of electricity to split hydrogen and oxygen. It is the mining process of electrolysis. The extra energy we get is the potential energy stored in the natural properties of hydrogen. Laughing

Don't worry for now I was brained washed like you but eventually you'll realized it for yourself. Just try building a Joe cell and see it for yourself.
0 Replies
Sat 19 May, 2007 03:06 pm
anakpawis wrote:
But have you ever tried it?

I've taken so many Chemistry and Physics classes and aces them. So let me hear your "simple Chemitry/Physics" explanation.

The law of conservation of energy is being misconstrued by the government. The usual argument of narrow minded people are that energy in equals energy out. The energy you put in splitting water is what energy you get.

My answer is : Can you explain to me then why you get a lot more energy when you split an atom? Do we burn as much oil or energy by mining for oil? Have you seen a natural mineral called calcium carbonate that when water is added, acethylene gas is produced? Very Happy

In water the potential energy in Hydrogen is stored. You only need a little current of electricity to split hydrogen and oxygen. It is the mining process of electrolysis. The extra energy we get is the potential energy stored in the natural properties of hydrogen. Laughing

Don't worry for now I was brained washed like you but eventually you'll realized it for yourself. Just try building a Joe cell and see it for yourself.

Lol. I'm not brainwashed. You just don't understand what you're talking about. Regardless of how much energy it takes to split a molecule of water, it will only produce that much energy. Your net gain is still 0.

As for your question about splitting an atom... I don't think you understand fission either. The reason we ca use nuclear power to make more than we put in is because it causes a CHAIN REACTION. All we need to do is provide an initial neutron source. Once the reaction begins, it is self-sustaining until all the fuel is spent.

Maybe you should go to a better school and take some more chemistry and physics.
0 Replies
Tue 22 May, 2007 01:17 pm
anakpawis wrote:
But have you ever tried it?

I've taken so many Chemistry and Physics classes and aces them. So let me hear your "simple Chemitry/Physics" explanation.

The law of conservation of energy is being misconstrued by the government. The usual argument of narrow minded people are that energy in equals energy out. The energy you put in splitting water is what energy you get.

My answer is : Can you explain to me then why you get a lot more energy when you split an atom? Do we burn as much oil or energy by mining for oil? Have you seen a natural mineral called calcium carbonate that when water is added, acethylene gas is produced? Very Happy

In water the potential energy in Hydrogen is stored. You only need a little current of electricity to split hydrogen and oxygen. It is the mining process of electrolysis. The extra energy we get is the potential energy stored in the natural properties of hydrogen. Laughing .

Let me take these in order...

First of all, the law of conservation of energy is not a bill that was signed into law by the government. Its a scientific proof. It has nothing to do with narrow minded philosophy, its just something that is proven billions of times a day in every chemical reaction that takes place in the universe. If you believe that you can get more energy from nothing then you mustn't have "aces" very many classes.

Secondly, you make the analogy of splitting atoms and then try to compare it to combusting molecules... however, since you give that example, we'll use it. Splitting an atom does give off incredible energy. The energy is stored kinetically by the steady state of inertia holding the electrons in orbit around the nucleus. If you break that up, the energy that was holding mass in steady state is now available to the surrounding space. BUT, putting an atom back together takes just as much energy as you get when you split it. The law of conservation of energy still applies.

Next, you try to compare physically mining oil with the amount of energy it supplies. That's like asking if it burns an extra 5 gallons of gas if we use a vehicle to transport a 5 gallon can of gasoline. The law of conservation of energy applies ONLY to the energy involved in the reaction. When you're in your chemistry classes which you "aces" you don't calculate the energy your body expended walking to get the flask in which you do your experiment.

You also speak of Acethylene gas. I think you mean Acetylene since the term Acethylene refers to an acid block in Amino and Keto acids and never exists as a singular construction, nor as a gas. Acetylene gas is no magic. In the presence of water (H
[size=7][/size]2O) and Calcium Carbonate (CaCO[size=7][/size]3) it would be possible to create Acetylene gas (C[size=7][/size]2H[size=7][/size]2) but not without help from a catalyst. Left alone you get weak carbonic acid.... BUT STILL, the law of conservation of energy applies. Even if you add a catalyst and magically get Acetylene, you haven't magically CREATED any energy. You've simply taken energy that used to hold one molecule together and placed it in a DIFFERENT molecule's bond. The fact that Acetylene carries more energy than calcium carbonate is because part of that reaction requires heat. You add energy in the form of heat (whether by an external heat source or from the surrounding atmosphere) and that energy becomes locked into the molecular bond. That is why when you burn Acetylene, you get (no surprise) HEAT.

Lastly, you need a HUGE current of electricity to separate hydrogen from oxygen in enough volume to support combustion. Those cute little experiments you do in High School Chemistry where you get little bubbles of gas from the cathode and anode are just adorable. So, you make one or two cc's of gas every minute using 100mA and 9V. Now extrapolate that against an engine spinning at 4000 rpms displacing 3.0 liters at 90% VE. For every revolution, it ingests 1.35 liters of volume. At 4000 rpm, that is 5400 LITERS PER MINUTE. That's 5.4 million CCs By very conservative estimates, that means you would need about 20,000 amps at 100V to support that kind of electrolysis.

As soon as you come up with a way to safely electrolyze 5.4 million CCs of H[size=7][/size]2 and O[size=7][/size]2, as well as find an alternator and wiring capable of supplying 20,000 amps, give us a call.

Also, just for your reference with current technology; a 20,000 amp/110v alternator is currently in use manufactured by GE/Whitworth. It weighs 63 tons, is nearly 20 feet long and 16 feet in diameter, and requires the equivalent of 2000 hp.... proof that it takes power to make power. Even if you didn't lose a single millijoule of energy to friction, heat, noise, light, anything... you would have just made a perpetual motion machine and people would label you as either a genius or satan... or both. But, as soon as you lose one millijoule to friction, heat, or light (let alone borrow some of that energy to move a car) it is not feasible. Its measurable, its fact, and I get really tired of explaining this most elementary topic to people who refuse to look at it with a logical mindset.

ENERGY IN EQUALS ENERGY OUT, PERIOD. Its not a goverment conspiracy. It doesn't matter if its splitting an atom then putting it back together, breaking up water and then combusting it, or shooting a rocket to the moon, you cannot create or destroy energy. It goes somewhere. You also say that there is magical energy stored in the Hydrogen. There is NO energy stored in hydrogen that we can access without splitting the atom. We get energy by combusting it with oxygen which is an exothermic reaction. The potential energy with hydrogen is not with the hydrogen, its that it gives off energy when it combusts (joins with oxygen) There is NO MORE ENERGY IN A SINGULAR HYDROGEN ATOM THAN THERE IS WHEN ITS COMBINED WITH OXYGEN AS WATER.

Think of it this way. Let's say you have two magnets stuck together just like hydrogen and oxygen. Pulling them apart requires X amount of force. When you return them together, you don't get anything more than X in return. Pulling them apart requires the same amount of work as you get back when you return them together. Another analogy (which is used in demonstrating chemical reactions all the time): Lets say there is a sidewalk, then a curb that is 1" higher, then its 6" down to the street. The sidewalk represents the potential energy present when hydrogen and oxygen gas are present together. The curb is Ea or activation energy. For this analogy, the curb represents the spark plug. The street represents the combusted exhaust.

So, you're walking on the sidewalk and lets say you're 150 lbs. In order to step up to the curb (begin combustion) you have to exert greater than 150 lbs of force to raise yourself 1"; lets say an extra 5 lbs for a total of 155. Then, as you step down to the street (combustion) you are releasing more than 150 lbs of force as your weight hits the street, let's say 200 lbs of force hits the street. In the case of you walking, its inertia and kinetic energy. In the case of combustion, its exothermic chemistry. Now, if you want to reverse that process, you have to exert 200 lbs to the street to raise yourself up to the curb. There is no way around it. If you remain on the street, you've gained 50 lbs of force to use as energy, but with water electrolysis, you have to keep stepping back up on the curb to return the water to its higher state of energy. With things like gasoline, you have an endless supply of fuel at a high energy state; like having 500 people on the curb. You keep burning fuel (people keep stepping off the curb) until you're out of people. Then you have two choices; ask the people to step back up on the curve (turn your exhaust back into fuel which takes as much energy as you get from burning it) or just get new people (refill your tank with fuel that is already at the higher level of energy.)

Asking a car to take liquid water, electrolyze it into componenet gasses, and then combust it back to water is the same as putting exhaust gasses in your tank, asking your car to turn it back into gasoline, then burn it. If that were the case, we wouldn't ever have to put water in our tanks at all... just return the combusted water vapor mixture to the tank and re-electrolyze it.

Heck what's next... lets have a car just burn humidity from the atmosphere? Be a little low on power in the desert Smile
0 Replies
Wed 23 May, 2007 10:08 am
You're just making everybody confused with all your talk and nonsense. You talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Your logic is so screwed it is impossible to convince you even if I show you a complete calculation.

Here watch this and duplicate it.


Also do a google and research on Tesla, Edwin Gray, Brian DePalma, Stanley Mayer, Dingle watercar, Joe Cell.

You can also google video: Free energy, Race to Zero point energy.

0 Replies
Wed 23 May, 2007 12:16 pm
anakpawis wrote:
You're just making everybody confused with all your talk and nonsense. You talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Your logic is so screwed it is impossible to convince you even if I show you a complete calculation.

Here watch this and duplicate it.


Also do a google and research on Tesla, Edwin Gray, Brian DePalma, Stanley Mayer, Dingle watercar, Joe Cell.

You can also google video: Free energy, Race to Zero point energy.


Actually, everything he said makes absolutely perfect sense. Other than making sense, it's correct! I was going to type all that, but I figured you were too dumb to understand it anyway. Apparently I was correct.

Youtube is hardly a credible source for scientific information. I saw a red headed girl blow up on there because she ate mentos and diet coke. Nevermind the fact that the human body is equipped with a series of sphincters that function in part to release excess gas...
0 Replies
Wed 23 May, 2007 02:58 pm
Sorry to bruise your "lady-like" ego.

No one is stopping you in your belief but don't drag everybody else into believing yours. If you want to continue paying $5 a gallon of gasoline go ahead, but would it hurt to inspire others to look for an alternative energy?

Stay dumb. Knowledge is power. Peace.

Watch this to those who are open to learn the truth.
0 Replies
Thu 24 May, 2007 07:58 am
anakpawis wrote:
Sorry to bruise your "lady-like" ego.

No one is stopping you in your belief but don't drag everybody else into believing yours. If you want to continue paying $5 a gallon of gasoline go ahead, but would it hurt to inspire others to look for an alternative energy?

Stay dumb. Knowledge is power. Peace.

Watch this to those who are open to learn the truth.

I personally think it's hilarious when someone tells me that *I'm* dumb because *he* doesn't understand what the hell he's talking about...

If this is possible... By allllll means, show me the thermochemical equation where you have a net gain of energy/heat at the end. Please. I'm all ears, er eyes.
0 Replies
Thu 24 May, 2007 08:42 am
Obviously you are not intelligent that is why I called you dumb.

If you are intelligent, you would keep your mouth shut, knowing that you're not contributing anything at all except repressed others to do something good to society.

Keep negative buddy. But there's only few smart people out there and that's not you.

For the rest of you who wants to do good to society, keep researching and studying and don't stop like this guy. He thought that what he learned at school was it. He thought learning science had already stopped. How stupid.
0 Replies
Thu 24 May, 2007 10:43 am
anakpawis wrote:
Obviously you are not intelligent that is why I called you dumb.

If you are intelligent, you would keep your mouth shut, knowing that you're not contributing anything at all except repressed others to do something good to society.

Keep negative buddy. But there's only few smart people out there and that's not you.

For the rest of you who wants to do good to society, keep researching and studying and don't stop like this guy. He thought that what he learned at school was it. He thought learning science had already stopped. How stupid.

You seriously area an idiot. I'm not "holding people back." That would be the physical laws of the universe. Go ahead, call them dumb. I'm sure they'll be offended. You can call me dumb all you like, the fact remains that you have absolutely no idea about what you speak.
0 Replies
Thu 24 May, 2007 10:58 am
Here's a potential "water fueled" car: http://money.cnn.com/2007/05/18/autos/bc.fuel.hydrogen.reut/index.htm?postversion=2007051812
0 Replies
Thu 24 May, 2007 11:08 am

Interesting, but it is still nowhere near the claims of some of the people on this thread. This engine still requires a catalyst and consumes more than water. So we are still a slave to thermodynamics. Oh the drudgery!
0 Replies
Fri 25 May, 2007 03:16 pm
Let me take these in order...

First of all, the law of conservation of energy is not a bill that was signed into law by the government. Who said it was a bill? Its a scientific proof.Last time I read about it , it was a theory not a proof. [/u] It has nothing to do with narrow minded philosophy,It has everything to do with it[/u] its just something that is proven billions of times a day in every chemical reaction that takes place in the universe.It only takes one scientific proof to dissmiss a theory[/u] If you believe that you can get more energy from nothing then you mustn't have "aces" very many classes.That's because I'm open minded in the name of science[/u]

Secondly, you make the analogy of splitting atoms and then try to compare it to combusting molecules...If you're confused, I'll type it more slowly for you[/u] however, since you give that example, we'll use it. Splitting an atom does give off incredible energy. Ask that to the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki .[/u]The energy is stored kinetically by the steady state of inertia holding the electrons in orbit around the nucleus. If you break that up, the energy that was holding mass in steady state is now available to the surrounding space. BUT, putting an atom back together takes just as much energy as you get when you split it. The law of conservation of energy still applies.Who said it doesn't?[/u]

Next, you try to compare physically mining oil with the amount of energy it supplies. That's like asking if it burns an extra 5 gallons of gas if we use a vehicle to transport a 5 gallon can of gasoline. That is exactly what I ask, just being sarcastic[/u] The law of conservation of energy applies ONLY to the energy involved in the reaction. When you're in your chemistry classes which you "aces" you don't calculate the energy your body expended walking to get the flask in which you do your experiment. Actually you should to be perfectly accurate but since it is so small it is usually neglected[/u]

You also speak of Acethylene gas. I think you mean Acetylene since the term Acethylene refers to an acid block in Amino and Keto acids and never exists as a singular construction, nor as a gas. What are you talking about?[/u] Acetylene gas is no magic. In the presence of water (H
[size=7][/size]2O) and Calcium Carbonate (CaCO[size=7][/size]3) it would be possible to create Acetylene gas (C[size=7][/size]2H[size=7][/size]2) but not without help from a catalyst. Left alone you get weak carbonic acid.... BUT STILL, the law of conservation of energy applies. Even if you add a catalyst and magically get Acetylene, you haven't magically CREATED any energy. Exactly like the water molecule, you use current as catalyst to separate the hydrogen to oxygen[/u]You've simply taken energy that used to hold one molecule together and placed it in a DIFFERENT molecule's bond. The fact that Acetylene carries more energy than calcium carbonate is because part of that reaction requires heat. Exactly[/u] You add energy in the form of heat (whether by an external heat source or from the surrounding atmosphere) and that energy becomes locked into the molecular bond. That is why when you burn Acetylene, you get (no surprise) HEAT.

Lastly, you need a HUGE current of electricity to separate hydrogen from oxygen in enough volume to support combustion.This is ABSOLUTELY , POSITIVELY FALSE, do that "joe cell" experiment and you'll see why. All I used is 12V car battery and I produced so much hydrogen in 1 minute, that I made several explosions that would scare your neighbors.[/u] Those cute little experiments you do in High School Chemistry where you get little bubbles of gas from the cathode and anode are just adorable. So, you make one or two cc's of gas every minute using 100mA and 9V. Now extrapolate that against an engine spinning at 4000 rpms displacing 3.0 liters at 90% VE. For every revolution, it ingests 1.35 liters of volume. At 4000 rpm, that is 5400 LITERS PER MINUTE. That's 5.4 million CCs By very conservative estimates, that means you would need about 20,000 amps at 100V to support that kind of electrolysis.I told you, do the cute little experiment yourself using 12 V car battery and concentric stainless steel cylinder and you will see how absurd that 20,000 amps that you are saying. Your 20,000 amps is beyond exaggeration[/u]

As soon as you come up with a way to safely electrolyze 5.4 million CCs of H[size=7][/size]2 and O[size=7][/size]2, as well as find an alternator and wiring capable of supplying 20,000 amps, give us a call. Ring...ring..ring....ding...dong...anybody home?[/u]

Also, just for your reference with current technology; a 20,000 amp/110v alternator is currently in use manufactured by GE/Whitworth. It weighs 63 tons, is nearly 20 feet long and 16 feet in diameter, and requires the equivalent of 2000 hp.... proof that it takes power to make powerDo you really trust these giants that make you pay for power?[/u]. Even if you didn't lose a single millijoule of energy to friction, heat, noise, light, anything... you would have just made a perpetual motion machine and people would label you as either a genius or satan... or both. I hope they'll label me a genius, but the truth of the matter is a lot of great minds have known about it but power and greed had repressed these findings...[/u] But, as soon as you lose one millijoule to friction, heat, or light (let alone borrow some of that energy to move a car) it is not feasible. Its measurable, its fact, and I get really tired of explaining this most elementary topic to people who refuse to look at it with a logical mindset.I'm looking at it with logical mindset, and so far I see you're not using yours. [/u]

ENERGY IN EQUALS ENERGY OUT, PERIOD. Its not a goverment conspiracy.But it is a conspiracy. Do not dismiss that or you'll be a fool[/u] It doesn't matter if its splitting an atom then putting it back together, breaking up water and then combusting it, or shooting a rocket to the moon, you cannot create or destroy energy. It goes somewhere. I agree You also say that there is magical energy stored in the Hydrogen. There is NO energy stored in hydrogen that we can access without splitting the atom. We get energy by combusting it with oxygen which is an exothermic reaction. The potential energy with hydrogen is not with the hydrogen, its that it gives off energy when it combusts (joins with oxygen) There is NO MORE ENERGY IN A SINGULAR HYDROGEN ATOM THAN THERE IS WHEN ITS COMBINED WITH OXYGEN AS WATER.

Think of it this way. Let's say you have two magnets stuck together just like hydrogen and oxygen. Pulling them apart requires X amount of force. When you return them together, you don't get anything more than X in return. Pulling them apart requires the same amount of work as you get back when you return them together. Another analogy (which is used in demonstrating chemical reactions all the time): Lets say there is a sidewalk, then a curb that is 1" higher, then its 6" down to the street. The sidewalk represents the potential energy present when hydrogen and oxygen gas are present together. The curb is Ea or activation energy. For this analogy, the curb represents the spark plug. The street represents the combusted exhaust.Okay, you're going off the rocker here....stay focus[/u]

So, you're walking on the sidewalk and lets say you're 150 lbs. In order to step up to the curb (begin combustion) you have to exert greater than 150 lbs of force to raise yourself 1"; lets say an extra 5 lbs for a total of 155. Then, as you step down to the street (combustion) you are releasing more than 150 lbs of force as your weight hits the street, let's say 200 lbs of force hits the street. In the case of you walking, its inertia and kinetic energy. In the case of combustion, its exothermic chemistry. Now, if you want to reverse that process, you have to exert 200 lbs to the street to raise yourself up to the curb. There is no way around it. If you remain on the street, you've gained 50 lbs of force to use as energy, but with water electrolysis, you have to keep stepping back up on the curb to return the water to its higher state of energy. With things like gasoline, you have an endless supply of fuel at a high energy state; like having 500 people on the curb. You keep burning fuel (people keep stepping off the curb) until you're out of people. Then you have two choices; ask the people to step back up on the curve (turn your exhaust back into fuel which takes as much energy as you get from burning it) or just get new people (refill your tank with fuel that is already at the higher level of energy.) Have you taken your daily dosage of psychiatric pill yet?..lol[/u]

Asking a car to take liquid water, electrolyze it into componenet gasses, and then combust it back to water is the same as putting exhaust gasses in your tank, asking your car to turn it back into gasoline, then burn it. If that were the case, we wouldn't ever have to put water in our tanks at all... just return the combusted water vapor mixture to the tank and re-electrolyze it.Finally! some great idea[/u]

Heck what's next... lets have a car just burn humidity from the atmosphere? Be a little low on power in the desert Smile I knew you it! You are not a hopeless case afterall Laughing [/u][/quote]
0 Replies
Sat 26 May, 2007 09:01 am
You must have aces your XML classes too. [quote
0 Replies
Sat 26 May, 2007 11:19 am
More efficiency gained through using water in your engine:


Name: Steam-o-Lene Engine
Inventor: Bruce Crower
Cost to Develop: $1,000
Time: 1.5 years
Prototype | | | | | Product

Bruce Crower's Southern California auto-racing parts shop is a temple for racecar mechanics. Here's the flat eight-cylinder Indycar engine that won him the 1977 Louis Schwitzer Award for racecar design. There's the Mercedes five-cylinder engine he converted into a squealing supercharged two-stroke, just "to see what it would sound like," says the now half-deaf 77-year-old self-taught engineer.

Crower has spent a lifetime eking more power out of every drop of fuel to make cars go faster. Now he's using the same approach to make them go farther, with a radical six-stroke engine that tops off the familiar four-stroke internal-combustion process with two extra strokes of old-fashioned steam power.

A typical engine wastes three quarters of its energy as heat. Crower's prototype, the single-cylinder diesel eight-horsepower Steam-o-Lene engine, uses that heat to make steam and recapture some of the lost energy. It runs like a conventional four-stroke combustion engine through each of the typical up-and-down movements of the piston (intake, compression, power or combustion, exhaust). But just as the engine finishes its fourth stroke, water squirts into the cylinder, hitting surfaces as hot as 1,500°F. The water immediately evaporates into steam, generating a 1,600-fold expansion in volume and driving the piston down to create an additional power stroke. The upward sixth stroke exhausts the steam to a condenser, where it is recycled into injection water.

Crower calculates that the Steam-o-Lene boosts the work it gets from a gallon of gas by 40 percent over conventional engines. Diesels, which are already more efficient, might get another 5 percent. And his engine does it with hardware that already exists, so there's no waiting for technologies to mature, as with electric cars or fuel cells.

0 Replies
Sat 26 May, 2007 11:55 am
DrewDad wrote:
More efficiency gained through using water in your engine:


Name: Steam-o-Lene Engine
Inventor: Bruce Crower
Cost to Develop: $1,000
Time: 1.5 years
Prototype | | | | | Product

Bruce Crower's Southern California auto-racing parts shop is a temple for racecar mechanics. Here's the flat eight-cylinder Indycar engine that won him the 1977 Louis Schwitzer Award for racecar design. There's the Mercedes five-cylinder engine he converted into a squealing supercharged two-stroke, just "to see what it would sound like," says the now half-deaf 77-year-old self-taught engineer.

Crower has spent a lifetime eking more power out of every drop of fuel to make cars go faster. Now he's using the same approach to make them go farther, with a radical six-stroke engine that tops off the familiar four-stroke internal-combustion process with two extra strokes of old-fashioned steam power.

A typical engine wastes three quarters of its energy as heat. Crower's prototype, the single-cylinder diesel eight-horsepower Steam-o-Lene engine, uses that heat to make steam and recapture some of the lost energy. It runs like a conventional four-stroke combustion engine through each of the typical up-and-down movements of the piston (intake, compression, power or combustion, exhaust). But just as the engine finishes its fourth stroke, water squirts into the cylinder, hitting surfaces as hot as 1,500°F. The water immediately evaporates into steam, generating a 1,600-fold expansion in volume and driving the piston down to create an additional power stroke. The upward sixth stroke exhausts the steam to a condenser, where it is recycled into injection water.

Crower calculates that the Steam-o-Lene boosts the work it gets from a gallon of gas by 40 percent over conventional engines. Diesels, which are already more efficient, might get another 5 percent. And his engine does it with hardware that already exists, so there's no waiting for technologies to mature, as with electric cars or fuel cells.


Again... that's nice and all... (i actually read that the other day) But is nowhere near what the lunatics claim to be possible.
0 Replies
Mon 28 May, 2007 12:46 am
Re: List of Water Powered Car Inventors
BadZenMunkeyBrain wrote:
Hi I have been following the trail of potential water powered cars for a few years now, over this time I have compiled a list of successful inventors!
Here they are!
Andriah Puharich
Archie blue
Bob Boyce
Carl Cella
Charles H. Garrett
Daniel Dingel
Hector Pierre Vaes
Nakamatsu Yoshiro
Sam Leslie Leach
Stanley Meyer
Steven Horvarth
And a few other unidentified people!
The most noteable of these was Stanley Meyer who is dead unfortunatley! In fact so are Carl Cella & Hector Pierre Vaes all before there time and under suspicious cercumstances! The rest have either been threatend, sold out or keep to them selves! Apparently it's not a good idea to threaten Big Oil companys. An internet search will find info all of these individuals!

It's good to read old threads. Thanks.

Knowledge is power
0 Replies
Mon 28 May, 2007 11:07 am
more to watch
0 Replies
Tue 29 May, 2007 07:22 am
You still haven't managed to link ANYTHING useful. Everything is some video from youtube or google. You have absolutely no idea who any of these things work. Magicians can make things look like they disappear - only because you don't know what's going on behind the scenes.

So how about you link some credible evidence from a credible source next time?
0 Replies
Tue 29 May, 2007 09:31 am
Why do you hate me so much? The greatest evidence I can show you is to do the experiment yourself. Stop yacking like a baby waiting to be spoonfed.

If you watch all those videos that are linked here, the experts appearing on the video have their names in there. They are credentialed physicist, scientist, and engineers. Now don't stop at believing what you see in the video. Research more about these people and their work. Research on the subject they're talking about. Try out some experiment yourself.

I do not mean to insult your intelligence. But if you still don't get this, I think you're a hopeless case. Let me just get this new idea across others. So stop being a jerk and stop blocking my way and get lost.
0 Replies
Tue 29 May, 2007 09:36 am
anakpawis wrote:
Why do you hate me so much? The greatest evidence I can show you is to do the experiment yourself. Stop yacking like a baby waiting to be spoonfed.

If you watch all those videos that are linked here, the experts appearing on the video have their names in there. They are credentialed physicist, scientist, and engineers. Now don't stop at believing what you see in the video. Research more about these people and their work. Research on the subject they're taliking about. Try out some experiment yourself.

I do not mean to insult your intelligence. But if you still don't get this, I think your hopeless. Let me just get this new knowledge across others. So stop being a jerk and stop blocking my way and get lost.

I don't "hate" you. And again, I'm not in your way. THE UNIVERSE IS. The fact that any of these people *may* be "credentialed" does in no way mean they are right. There was a famous Dr that said he had done all these wonderful things with cloned stem cells. It was all proved to be false. He made it all up. I imagine these people did the same.

This isn't new information. It's bullshit, plain and simple.

If you want to prove it to me or anyone else, show me a thermochemical equation using oxygen, hydrogen to produce energy.
0 Replies

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